Suggestion For Forum : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
So much of the information in the forum depends so much on what part of the country you live in. Could there be an additional box (like when you put in your email address, name, etc.) when posting that would list what state the poster is in? I think it would be so helpful and would remind people it is important when asking a question or responding to meantion where they are in this vast country with so many variables. It also would be nice for everyone to see where homesteading is taking place. If it is only by state then no one's idenity/location is compromised. Just a thought.
-- Karen (, July 21, 2001
Karen:The host server does all of the programming and it then applies to all of the forums which use it. They don't do something specifically for one forum. In the past participants have been encouraged to put their location in the full name block, and some do. For example, WC TN is West-central Tennessee.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 21, 2001.
About all we can do is remind each other to state the region we live in. Some may not be comfortable being too specific for privacy reasons, but too often no location is given which makes it impossible to answer the question. Skip (in Western Washington)
-- Skip in Western WA (, July 21, 2001.
Yep, I see understand what you mean. And here I thought you had the power! LOL!! Thanks for doing such a great job, Ken!
-- Karen (, July 21, 2001.