Farm in SW Missouri For : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My neighbor is selling his farm :o(. He has 80 acers, fenced pasture/wood two story barn, pond, and a two story farm house about 100 years old... and realy great neighbors :O) grin. They are asking 145K. Planting zone 6. Wentworth, MO population: 140 and a mule. 30 minutes from Joplin, 20 minutes from Monett and 60 minutes from Sprinfield. It would be great to have like minded homesteaders move in. If you are interested and have any questions let me know.
-- Storybook Farm (, July 20, 2001
Do you know how far this is from Doniphan?
-- Lynn (, July 20, 2001.
We are in the far SW corner of Missouri, which is about 200 miles West of Doniphan.
-- Storybook Farm (, July 21, 2001.
No offense, but - are there any homesteaders on this list who have $145k ???I bought my (admittedly bare, sans even a well) 26 acres for under $18k three years ago here in SC MO. Paid cash. Am building myself and hope to be closed in by fall. If I'd had to come up with $145k for "homestead" property, I'd still be a corporate wage-slave.
There was a place I wish I'd bought (20/20 hindsight) 10 acres, 2 br house w/basement, good sized barn, machine shed, several other outbuildings, established orchard and garden area, fenced - all for the ASKING price of $35k.
If Wentworth is pop. 140 and a mule I don't imagine there are terribly many jobs there that'll go very far towards the mortgage on a $145k property. An hour to Springfield is a pretty long commute and they don't pay all that well there (its an hour and a half drive from where I live). I can't say what the job situation is in Joplin. A half hour commute is not so bad. It's hard to find a place that's really rural that would be any closer to town than that anyway (its a half hour to Norwood, pop 479, from where I live, LOL!)
Not saying its not a fair price. Maybe its even a great deal. I just wonder how many homesteaders have that kind of money, or would feel safe taking on that kind of debt.
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), July 21, 2001.
Sojourner--We just wanted to let people know, and yes that is alot of money.
Storybook Farm
-- Storybook Farm (, July 21, 2001.
The price of the farm all depends on your outlook. If I could find work in my profession in MO I wouldn't hesitate. Here in Western Washington, that same farm would sell for $300k to $400k. Someone would undoubtedly snatch it up for its subdivision potential (five acres lots). If you have a home with equity and can relocate, 145k isn't all that bad.
-- Skip Walton (, July 21, 2001.
I live in a small town in SC Missouri but are looking to relocate closer to Mountain Grove Missour. We are looking for a house on some acres for under 80,000. We have not put are house on the market because we are waitting for are son to get married at the end of the month. We have put are 9 acres on the market, it has a well at 20 gal a min. The drilling co. that put it in said it will run two house and a barn but we never built out there so I never use it. The well is 2 years old, there is also a electric pole and the place and I think the phone lines are on it to but I know the other neibors have a phone. The house that use to be on the place burned down about 20 years ago. It has fruit trees, big big oaks, a dogwood that misses the state record by 10 feet, black walnut, hickory, persimmion, wild plum, blackberries and wild grapes. About 1/3 is cleared, it has a pond and has old fence. I have some pic's on my web page from when we fist bought it but we have cleaned it up so much it dosn't look overgrown any more. Nice nebhbors, and 5 miles from Mountain View Missour. We are asking 20,000 for it. My web page is
-- Teresa (, July 21, 2001.