cornstarch and laundry (laundry) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I like the crisp feeling of starched clothing, but don't like canned spray starch. I have heard that cornstarch can be used to starch clothing. Can anyone please explain to me how to do this?
-- R. (, July 20, 2001
There is powdered laundry starch. The way I understand that you use it is to wash your clothes add starch to the final rinse and then iron. I'm sure there are instructions on the box somewhere.
-- Stephanie Nosacek (, July 20, 2001.
I use starch that comes in a box made by Argo. You can buy it from the Vermont Country Store. They have a website: The starch has to be added to water and heated on the stove to dissolve before you add it to your clothes in the washer. I use it to make tired dress shirts look like new for a long time and it does wonders for limp curtains. Blessings Peggy
-- peggy (, July 21, 2001.