Horse nose : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My neighbor just recieved a 6 month old colt which has warts on his nose. A second neighbor said that a vet told him to squeeze the wart with a pair of pliers, severly I presume, to make the wart go away. Any one up to date on this procedure?
-- mitch hearn (, July 20, 2001
it is just a virus, they will go away in time. Fairly common in young horses. Nothing will really speed the dissappearance. All of the old wives tales are just that, they seem to work because the virus goes away over time anyways.
-- Marci B (, July 20, 2001.
Hi, Mitch. There has been some discussion about this a while back, so check the subheadings under Horses. My own experience was exactly like yours, but I use a baking soda & castor oil mix... just make a paste in the palm of your hand out of it and slather it on the warts. They'll be gone in about a week. Yes, it's a virus, but I wouldn't squeeze them... why put your colt through pain? I swear by this little mixture and it won't hurt him. Good luck. debra in nm
-- debra in nm (, July 20, 2001.
A treatment which has been used is to cut off the warts (one of the v- knifes used to remove cattle ear tags work great), then put them into a blender with enough water to puree them fine enough to use in a stringe. Inject under the skin of the neck.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 21, 2001.
Let's all go to Ken's house for supper! You might want to bring your own blender though! Just kidding, Ken.
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (, July 22, 2001.
We have recently had this problem with our 17 year old quaterhorse. The vet was very surprised that a horse of this age had warts on his nose and between his back legs. She said that usually very young horses get the nose warts. With us, she advised us to get cream to rub on the back end warts. This is taking off the skin in pieces, not very pleasant but working, and hopefully it is nothing more that that and not cancer tumors. Actually the nose warts we didn't bother with and they went away by themselves. She also was baffled at how he got them as he is not around any young horses that would have given him the virus. But we did have a family care for our animals when away from the homestead that does have young horse. Good Luck !!
-- Helena Di Maio (, July 23, 2001.