How Much Do Axis Deer Cost? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Can anyone tell me what a pair of axis deer would cost? Thank you for your help. Russell
-- Russell Wade Moses (, July 19, 2001
Russell, try this addy. Tell Pam that Judy sent you. She attends all the exotic auctions in the IN, and OH area. She'll have a good idea what axis are bringing right now. Hope this helps.
-- Judy C. Vaughan (, July 20, 2001.
Russell, after a nights' sleep, I also wanted to tell you that the message board at might be of some help also. But you do know that all deer are being somewhat restricted right now. In fact, Michigan cannot sell its deer because of a disease that is similar to CJD. Just something to consider.
-- Judy C. Vaughan (, July 20, 2001.