Well Drilling and Hydra-Drill Systemgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Okay,You all were great about responding to my last question and since your probably going to be more honest with me... Has anybody used the hydra-drill system to dig a well? Pros and cons? Are there other, cheaper systems available?
Thanks in advance.
-- Stephanie Nosacek (pospossum@earthlink.net), July 19, 2001
If your talking about Deep Rocks hydra-drill the big issue is rocks. The DeepRock Faq glosses over it but if your in a hard rock area of the country then be prepared to buy the larger hydra-drill and the specical rock drill bits.If your in an area with sandstone, shale and light duty rocks then it will work. Its not fast but is quite usable.
-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), July 19, 2001.