A very tentative "hello" from Gladysgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, Well, I guess I really let the fox into the henhouse. I am using my great-granddaughter's e-mail address, lest there be any confusion. I was going to have the librarian help me open my own today (e-mail account, that is) but she is busy with a story hour for small children today. I do not know why there was a time problem on my last post. I asked the librarian on Monday, and she said it must be a server problem. When I entered a fake e-mail address last time, the librarian knew I was using a fake one, and gave me the oal.com to use. I had read a post from, I believe, Sojouner, saying it was alright to use a fake address. That was why I finally posted, even though I did not have an e-mail account. I did not know you could have one at a library, nor did I know you could have a free one. Our 10 acres is 660x660. The part of the driveway that is actually on our property is about 175 feet. We call the easement which the road is on "our" driveway, although it is actually a legal easement for ingress and egress. It goes several miles up past our place to an old fire watch tower. The road is maintained by the DNR because of the watchtower. I should have said it is a four mile round trip to the mailbox, not 4 miles each way. We'd have to be expecting a shipment of gold boullion in the mail to be worth a 8 mile hike. Do that many of you really just turn off a highway right into your garage? To those of you that asked real questions-Leslie A. about raising chicken fryers...Sue Diederich pretty well summed it up, cost wise. I would also add that we buy the flash-frozen bonless skinless breasts when they come on sale for buy 1 get 1 free, and also whole fryers at anywhere from .39 to .59 a lb. Thank you, Sue, for explaining that for me, and for standing up for me. To Rebekah, Thank you for your kind welcome. I think we got the wrong kind of lambar. We got the square kind with six nipples around the bottom. When the kids get bigger, it is awful hard to hold it. Also, with only 2 does, we only had 5 kids this year, and they were born 6 weeks apart, so had to keep them seperate, and of course, feed them seperate. I understand the other kind of lambar you can put on any many-or as few- nipples as you need, and can even buy a stand for them. Do they work as well as the catalog implies? To Kathie in Wst. Wa. I should have said that we have propane--a cookstove I use in the summer, an 8 cubic foot freezer, and a full size refrigerator, and they run off the propane tank. The freezer and refigerator were very expensive, even 20 years ago, and I would not recommend them for temporary purposes. To Elizabeth, about getting people to buy things from your tree farm, with a 6 1/2 mile driveway. Grow sweet corn to start with. People will drive long distances to get really fresh good sweet corn. (And when you look at what they sell in the supermarket, can you blame them?) Once they're used to coming for the corn, you could add other vegetables. But be forewarned, people from the city will show up in May or December, expecting to be able to buy more corn. To the lady (I'm sorry, I don't remember your name) that said old people don't talk like that. Are the "old people" you have contact with college graduates? I am a registered nurse (retired) and Walt is an electrical engineer (retired). Do they have constant contact with younger generations? You said you were a home health care nurse...perhaps the ones you know are ill, confined and out of touch. To Sharon Wildflower, I am very sorry for the unjustified slander you had to endure because of my post. I hope it has blown over and you can get back to your life without any harm. To those of you who obviously wished me ill-will, I have to disappoint you. My dear Karen Anne told the whole family about it, and they all came up last weekend--well, the ones within driving distance. I had 42 people here, counting kids and babies. It was wonderful to have kids climbing the cherry trees and picking cherries again. They all brought food, and soda pop, and it was like a huge 2 day picnic. There was a 5th wheel trailer, and my son's motor home, but we still had kids all over the floors in sleeping bags, and it was wonderful. To those of you that had kind words of welcome, thank you. I'm sure you will understand if I wait to gauge reaction to this post before I decide whether or not to post again. It is 2:04 Pacific Daylight time as I get ready to submit this, I must go, Walt is waiting. Gladys
-- Gladys (kaanneg@hotmail.com), July 18, 2001
Well, husk my grits Gladys, let me be the first to surgically remove my oversize foot from my oversize mouth and apologise and send you warm welcoming wishes to the forum here! We hillbillies can be a might distrustful of strangers, to say the least, and sometimes it takes us all a few trys to warm up to someone. I give you lots of credit in giving this all another go at it!!!Sure glad you have tons of family to "keep the home fires burning" and provide moral and physical support during your rough times with Walt's health troubles, feel free to ask for any help you can from us all here, even if it's just to "vent" a little, sakes alive, everyone sure knows we all do THAT far too well, the venting, that is!!!
Again, I sure apologise for my, and anyone else's unseemly behavior towards you, and hope you find some comfort here among friends.
From a hillbilly who sometimes IS a dumb as she looks....................
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), July 18, 2001.
Well, husk my grits, Gladys, let me be the first to surgically remove my oversize foot from my oversize mouth, and formally apologise for my unseemly behavior towards what I sure was a "too good to be true story" here on the forum!!! We hillbillies are a might distrustful of strangers and it can take us awhile to warm up to and trust folks we don't know.Your'e a brave soul for not giving up on us, hopefully we can be of some comfort to you in these times of trial with Walt's illness, in any small way we can, even if it is just passing the time and getting your mind of the serious things for a spell.
It is a real blessing that your family is the "visiting" kind and can come share their busy lives with you and Walt, and so the children can know the "real" country where eggs really come from, and to learn that milk doesn't just come from the carton, but from somewhere far more interesting and miraculous! Enjoy them while you can, they all grow up too quickly.
Again, I am truly sorry for the less than hospitable attitude shown to you here, and a warm and heart-felt welcome to the forum "hug"!!!
From a very contrite and sometimes stupid hillbilly..................
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), July 19, 2001.
Computer doofus here, sure didn't mean to post twice, I thought the computer ATE the first one, as it disappeared into cyber- nothingness!!! So I had to resubmit and sure have terible short term memory, but, two apologys are a good thing too, take your pick, Gladys ;-) !!!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), July 19, 2001.
Gladys, I never doubted you. For all their creativity and resourcefulness, some homesteaders on this forum have still not learned to think outside the box. I enjoyed your original post and found nothing unbelievable about it. I too am a professional with a college degree and am looking forward to retiring from the 7 to 5 office job to the farmstead. Next time you're at the library, please drop in for a visit at www.sundaycreek.com
-- Skip Walton (sundaycreek@gnrac.net), July 19, 2001.
Gladys, I am so happy that you decided to stay around! About the lambars, I saw that they were expensive and decided to make my own. what I did was to get the lambar nipples at $3.00 each, we drilled holes in a plastic gallon jug near the top, just below where it begins to curve. We also had to buy the tubing for it which was fairly cheap. Put the nipples in from the inside, then the tubes into the nipples. This worked better for me, because it was a lot cheaper, I had only three kids to feed at this time, and there wasn't so much milk that it'd go sour before they drank it all. In fact, they suck it dry in a matter of seconds! I do have to tie it to the fence with a piece of baling twine or they will butt it right over in their enthusiasim! We had one real problem- the cat wanted the milk and chewed the ends of the nipples off! They weren't cheap, so I put the lambar inside an electric fenced area. Other than that it has really worked well. This is the first time I've tried it and the few extra dollars for the different nipples and a little tubing have really paid off.
-- Rebekah (daniel@itss.net), July 19, 2001.
As the first time Gladys, Welcome! I apologize for the group here. Please, try us again. I love your posts! In His Grace, Sissy
-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (jerreleene@hotmail.com), July 19, 2001.
Gladys, While I didn't post a response to your initial post, I did send an email directly to your granddaughter after she posted. I hope she forwarded it to you as I asked. In any event, I'm glad you posted again and hope you continue to do so. I'm glad this all turned into a (two day) picnic for you. ;o)
-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), July 19, 2001.
Runs real fast, arms open to hug Gladys...saying "Gladys so glad to see you!!!I read your original post and loved it! read the posts that followed and they were shameful!
I can't raise chickens cheaper then the market sells them for at $0.39 cents a pound! My driveway is off the main road, it is paved and shows up in the Thomas Guide as a road! people used to drive up my driveway all the time and found a house at the end, no way to turn around and had to back down. Had to put gates up with private driveway signs on them. Now we only get one or two people a year looking for some private view of the valley and lake below from my place. I hate to open and close gates....was glad to get the link to the 'bump gate' Yes I do understand the distance to the mail box! makes a great walk for me and the dogs (and once in a while a couple of goats follow).
I am so sorry you were treated so badly on your first post here...but no matter, you are here and I look forward to reading and learning more about your life.
westbrook Los Angeles
-- westbrook (westbrook_farms@yahoo.com), July 19, 2001.
Ye Ha, I knew you were real. I thought about posting in defense of your driveway but figured if folks wanted to pick you apart it was useless. I know people that have to go across other property {right of way} to get to there place. Please come back and post. My mama is 78 and has dememtia and I love hearing and seeing people that have a better life than she does. I attend a Unity Study grougp once a month and the couple that host it are each 80 , educated and getting there first computer this month. There is alot of difference in all people young and old. Bless your heart and I'd love to hear more from you. We try to raise most of our food and don't plan on quitting at any certain age. I've worked in home health before, and sure not many educated people in that group. In my state if you have any bank acount at all and just need help you pay private unless you meet strict financial and medical quidelines. Thanks again and have fun with your sweet life. Sherry
-- sherry (chickadee259@yahoo.com), July 19, 2001.
COOL, as I said before, you should write for Countryside!! DW
-- DW (djwallace@ctos.com), July 19, 2001.
Thank you Gladys for your kind words and understanding manner.Since you've lurked here for awhile,you know there have been some wild rides on this forum the last 6 months. I left bc of them. Hope you stay.Sounds like you are tougher than me. Good for you!I didn't find your story too incredible either. But we also live pretty remote. An older couple lived on their family homestead down the road,just like you do, no electric and a long county road,till 1991,when they both passed on.
Good wishes to you for a long and joyful time at your little piece of heaven..
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), July 19, 2001.
Welcome Gladys! I am so glad that you are a real person! Just reading about all your activities makes me tired, I hope that I'm even half that busy when I get to be your age. I'm just a homesteading wannabe stuck in the city right now, trying to learn everything I can from folks like you.
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), July 19, 2001.
Dear Gladys,When I read your post, I thought what a great writer and with lots of talent, Please come back often, and tell us what you are doing, My husband and I are retired also, I grew up in the North West, and I wish I had some of those cherrys down here, they are 2.95 a pound, and I don"t buy them. Its so much fun when every one comes to grannys house,such beautiful memories they will all have.Please except our apoligy for being rude, It won"t happen again. I will be looking forward to the continueing saga of your life on the homestead. Love Irene
-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), July 19, 2001.
Welcome Gladys,Sure hope you took my comments to "Martha" for what they were intended, to insert some humor where a whole bunch of people were taking themselves way too seriously. Being "homesteaders" means different things to different folks, but the bottom line is we are all pretty independent and opinionated and things do get weird around here at times. Hope you keep coming back. hugs..........diane
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), July 19, 2001.
Gladys I'm SO glad you posted again! When I read the original, I thought it was wonderful, and did (and do) believe you - as I get older I know that NOTHING is impossible or improbable.Wanted to tell all the "nay-sayers" that sounded so jealous of your accomplishments to just stop a minute someday and write down all that THEY had done in their life, as well as what they are accomplishing every day - it might surprise them to find that their "resume" sounds so good.
Anyway, warmest welcomes to you and Walt.
-- Bonnie (chilton@stateline-isp.com), July 19, 2001.
Dear Gladys,Welcome aboard. Hope you will find the forum enjoyable. I look forward to hearing more about you and Walt. BTW, has Walt finished the latest "Zelda" game? They're my favorites.
Wishing you enough.
-- Trevilians (Trevilians@mediaone.net), July 19, 2001.
Woah, Gladys, I am in awe!! After the trashing and bashing that went on here, I was just sure we'd never hear from you again. I am surprised and amazed that you took up the challenge, and you have my undying respect for that. How wonderful it is to have such a supportive family! I'm glad things worked out so well for you. Hey, maybe you could arrange for the occasional bashing on a regular basis if it means your whole family comes to visit. What do you think? ;- D I'll look forward to hearing from you often. Welcome to the forum!
-- Laura Jensen (lauraj@seedlaw.com), July 19, 2001.
I am new to this forum and happened upon this thread. Just wanted to say to Gladys that I felt her response to some vicious attacks was of a very gentle and kind spirit. Some would have lashed back with more hatefulness, but you evidently read the replies carefully and gave a thoughtful response. A lesson in communicating that many of us these days could learn from. And what a lovely family it seems you have. May you have many more years of happiness with Walt, and I guess this forum has supplied you and Walt with much to talk about! Many blessing! Sherry S.
-- Sherry S. (natmatters@mail.istal.com), July 19, 2001.
Well, I still don't know whether you're real or not; but you don't know about me either, so that's fair. We build credibility as we post - a continuing history lets people get to know as much of us as is possible on this medium. As I said on your original post, what you said was within the bounds of credibility - many of my relatives, including my parents, could say similar things. And no - I didn't miss the point that there could be a long "private road" or right of way leading to a samll property.I think one of the real problems is that many people have been taken in recently by a "cyber-hoax". If you go to www.google.com, or probably use any other search engine (but at the moment google appears to be the best) and do a search on "Kaycee" you'll find the story. Now, I'm one who was taken in, and I'm not too ashamed of it - it took compassion and empathy to be so; and I'm not ashamed of that. In fact, I suspect the people who "inhabit" this forum are probably mostly the sort of people who would react that way, and many of them may have been taken in by this hoax, and may be being super-sensitive because of it.
So ... that may be an explanation of why people reacted that way. Doesn't matter. Keep posting. Best wishes.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), July 19, 2001.
Welcome Back. I'm glad you are here. My ex-mother-in-law was much like you and I admired her greatly. I still miss her. Maybe we can have some of the same talks. I'll look forward to your posts.
-- Auntie Annie (sahamett@msn.com), July 19, 2001.
As before, welcome to Countryside, with all it's ups and downs!!!
-- julie f. (rumplefrogskin@excite.com), July 19, 2001.
Welcome back again Gladys! Glad you decided to give the forum another try. Folks really are helpful here, and we have some who could probably answer some computer questions, if you ever need the help. How's Walt doing with his therapy? Hope he's doing well. Please tell him we said hi. It's good to have you back.
-- Annie (mistletoe@kconline.com), July 19, 2001.
Gladys,Welcome from one person who is oblivious to the chaos my husband lurker told me about on the forum. I tend to avoid anything that seems unpleasent reading, so I didn't check in until I saw that someone "new" was here.
Welcome. Now then, which post do I have to read to find out what other stuff you've written that everyone is talking about???
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), July 19, 2001.
I, too, would like to read Gladys original writing. I've pretty much backed off because of alot of unpleasant remarks and irate tempers. Gladys seems, from this writing, to be a pleasant, likeable woman. Just from what i've just finished reading, it doesn't seem as if anyone shjouls be mean to her.
-- clare baldwin (clare_baldwin@hotmail.com), July 21, 2001.
My apologizes to Gladys & all other forum people for my rude response to Gladys' original intro of herself & husband Walt. I consider myself a christian but I am afraid that I don't always act like one!! Again my sincere apologizes & I hope that you will all forgive me. In the future before opening my mouth & putting my foot into it perhaps I should ask myself WWJD? Blessings, Jan in Ontario, Canada
-- Jan Sears (jcsears@magma.ca), July 22, 2001.
To error is human, to forgive devine!I welcome you Gladys.
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), July 22, 2001.