
greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

The problem in pbobble2,3or4-vs is that in practice mode it's quite easy to make 30 millions, but much less exciting than playing normal (or hard) mode (12 levels there instead of 3); the silly game scoring implies that for marp it's better to play practice ! (30 millions can be beaten in normal mode but it's is very hard, and quite impossible with pbobble4

Shall we split ? or let it like that ? I'm waiting for your opinions before playing again

-- phil (plamat@club-internet.fr), July 18, 2001


I´ve played PUZZLE BOBBLE 3-VS in the normal mode. Is better because we can make more points and is more longer. In practice... nononono. :)

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), July 18, 2001.

Too low level is only one problem.
at puzzle bobble 3,vs-normal mode will be higher than practice mode if you have good skill.
World record of vs-normal is 7-jackpots(10,485,760).
if you get 7 or more jackpots,please give me your record.
I also agree hard-mode is not good for the high score.

-- C33master (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), July 19, 2001.

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