Hood for 50/1.4 Summilux ASPH

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just purchased a 50/1.4 Summilux ASPH, and it didn't come with a hood. Is a hood necessary (or useful) with this particular lens? Thanks.

-- Stan (snowchasse@yahoo.com), July 15, 2001


Another question: Are hoods interchangeable? Would say, the hood from a lens of the same diameter (35/1.4 ASPH) fit the 50/1.4?

-- Stan (snowchasse@yahoo.com), July 15, 2001.


You must have a very new or "stealth" version 50 'lux, as I was unaware Leica was currently producing any 50 aspherics. Where did you find it? The other curiousity is that the current version Leica 50 'Lux has its own built-in sliding hood, and it seemed that they were heading in this direction with most of thir new designs. Sounds like they must be reverting back to the detachable hoods with the newest lenses -- A good thing, IMO!

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), July 15, 2001.

The latest version has a built in hood that you pull out (on both the R and the M lenses). There is no Asph version any Leica 50 in R or M mount. If you purchased a used or NOS lens and it is an M lens with E43 filter and 1 metre closest focus(, then you can get a 12586 hood for it (even earlier models take a XOOIM/12521 hood). If you purchased a used or NOS lens and it is an R lens which takes series 7 filters(1970-1978), then you will have hunt around for a 12508 hood.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), July 15, 2001.

Personally I hate separate hoods - I love the built in variety.

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), July 23, 2001.

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