Wringer Washer Questiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just purchased a Maytag series J wringer washer (1940-1950 with the square tub) in near mint condition. To transport it, I had to put it in the back of the van laying down on its side. When we got home there was what looked like motor oil dripping from underneath. Probably lost about 1/4 cup of oil. Where did it come from? Will it be okay or do we need to replace the oil and where do we put it? By the way it is electric motor. Thanks for any help, all I know is how to make it work but don't get the mechanics of it.
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), July 15, 2001
The gear box has oil in it. it is most likely where it is leaking from. U will have to replace oil in gear box. The gear box has the large pulley. The electric motor has the small pulley.
-- Paul miller (millerclan@alltel.net), July 15, 2001.
Thanks! One really dumb question though, what type of oil do you use?
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), July 15, 2001.
90 weight gear oil that you can find at an auto parts house, look for a side mounted threaded plug on the gear box, add the oil until it starts to flow back out.
-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), July 15, 2001.
Karen, this isn't right along the lines of your question but....When a friend of mine moved to a smaller house, she gave me her Maytag wringer washer. The owner's manual had long ago been lost so I got the customer number for Maytag. When I asked if it would be possible to get a photocopy of one for my machine, the lady told me they keep new ones in stock for just such cases. When I asked what the charge plus S & H would be, she informed me it was FREE. I gave her my mailing address and had the manual within a few weeks. It really helped as there were no markings on the machine itself to indicate operation. Enjoy it.
-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), July 16, 2001.