from a beginner (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This spring marked the beginning of a new venture for us. After years of dreaming, scheming, and planning, we are finally becoming "real" homesteaders. We planted a huge (to me) garden, including stuff I started from seed for the first time. We also got rabbits and chicks. I got on this forum to get advice from the rest of you who have had more experience. I am on one other list for the same reason. However, I have noticed that on both lists/forums people are getting caught up in other things. I thought summer was a busy time with weeding, keeping animals cool and comfortable, harvesting produce, making repairs, etc. At least that's what we're doing. But it seems like some folks have too much time on their hands and spend a lot of it in front of a computer monitor. So, thanks, folks, for all the advice you've given me, especially recently, Rogo, about the chicks. And thanks to Ken for considering my proposal to re-categorize the poultry threads. I didn't mean to add to your already heavy workload. You helped me a lot with that Control F trick. But now that I finally got to subscribe to CountrySide Magazine (the print version) I think I'll hang up on the forum for a while. Got too much else to do.By the way, I have just spent a week recovering from a miscarriage. Having been thus forced to stay off my feet, I used the time to cut quilt patches the old-fashioned way (no rotary cutter), read my Bible, read books to the children, and sat as overseer while my older children did the chores instead of getting on the computer. There are lots of worthwhile things one could do with one's hands besides stirring up controversy (or reacting to those who do) on a forum that is supposed to help others instead of tearing them down.
I don't know when I'll get back on here. When the garden and the apples are all harvested, we'll be starting homeschool. By the time that's done, we'll be either planting again or looking for our own property or both. It's been fun; y'all remember to agree to disagree peacefully and keep this a place where people can get honest answers to honest questions without getting their heads bitten off.
-- Cathy N. (, July 15, 2001
Real sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Sometimes its easy to forget how wonderful and how fragile is life and living. Appreciate you and your attitude.
-- paul (, July 15, 2001.
CathyI'm glad your spiriys are up! I was away on an all day moving job (15 years before I got a wireless phone) when Ann had a miscarriage. Needless to say it was a trying period.
God Bless
-- rick K (, July 15, 2001.
Hi Cathy,I have only posted a few times on this board but used to read it daily, usually having to get up at 4:30 am to fit it into our schedule. I am a wife and hsing mom, and have four sons. We just bought our long searched for land the end of April and I am sorry I won’t be “hearing” from you very often, although I do understand why. We won’t be moving to our land for a couple of years, although we do visit it as time allows (it is a 3 hour drive from here) and are gradually getting work done on it (a drive, ect…).
I am sure I could benefit from the successes and trails that you have on your new homesteading adventure. I am hoping that you will, when time allows, post about them. I understand you not seeing the benefit in making time allowances to visit the board frequently. I come here for information sharing and some times support. I certainly don't have time for anything else. So, I weed through it. On days I don't have time to weed inside the house, I just let it go... If you would like to share in the future, please do, or if you are ever in the mood to just sit down and “tell” someone about them, please feel free to email me.
Mostly I want to extend an “I’m sorry” to you and your family concerning the loss of your baby. I am a mom of four great sons and six babies that didn’t make it to the end of my pregnancies and are in heaven now. Please take care of yourself and I will make sure to say a prayer for your family. This is a hard time, I know.
-- Kelly longing to live in the woods... (, July 15, 2001.
I am so sorry about your baby!!! I have lost many babies but do have 6 wonderful children to hug here. When we get to Heaven, we will have soooooo many!!! ((((((((HUGS!!!))))) I understand about being busy! I am also a homeschooler and just lost my garden because I tore the ligaments in my left ankle and couldn't tend the garden. I am hopeful at least the potatoes will make a come back.Hang in there and good luck in life. :-) many hugs from the whole family here!!
How are your children handling the loss? If they need someone to email, feel free to email me and I will pass around my children old enough to be able to empathize emails to you.
-- Cindy in Ok (, July 15, 2001.
Cathy, my heartfelt sympathies on your loss. I know how a mother's bond begins in utero having two children of my own. Prayers are sent your way. I too am a beginner this year and could use guidance in my ventures. As busy as we are I try to get on here a couple time a week so I can learn and recieve/give support. I hope to learn from you when you have time.
-- Alison in N.S. (, July 16, 2001.