Am I the only one? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ok am I the only one who is so far behind in the chore list,wish list and the "has to be done "list that comeing to the forum is a treat not a way of life? I cant keep up with daily chores more or less who is real or not,I sure do not have the time to read about who is the "nasty" go between.I guess I am one of the "lucky" people who has more weeds then I know what to do with,more 1/2 finished prodjects then I care to admit to and worst of all summer is going by so fast it will be over soon.Gosh if anyone has alot of free time please stop by and help me!
I guess maybe I am not working hard enough tho cause I must admit I just wasted enough time reading all the garbage here that I could have weeded at least 2 rows or started the new rabbit hutch or maybe best of all played with the little humans and really had fun.
Please Jim send that password!
-- renee oneill{md.} (, July 14, 2001
I think most of us do what you just did--check in on those needed breaks from the weeding and unfinished projects. If you click on Lusenet at the top of the page, you will find Beyond the Sidewalks, now dropped down to the active private forum list.
-- athome (, July 14, 2001.