Devilwoman from Kentucky checks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
It’s been brought to my attention that I’ve now been given credit for being the forum Jacka**, on another thread here.Wow. I have never ever in my life experienced anything quite like this. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Did I mention never, ever?
I guess I feel kind of flattered that my favorite woodpecker thinks so highly of me to single me out like that.
Devilwoman ,now, huh? Well , with that, I figure I’m in pretty good company, what with Ken being Hitler reincarnated. So… I’ll take that as a compliment, too!
However..and I do so hate to disappoint anyone who wants so much to believe that I am in fact, the one and only devilwoman…but I did not post anything on CS since the time I apparently bashed Christians ( godless goatwoman that I am) in defense of Dave and Ken, a while back.
I don’t post anonymously, at all. If I want to give someone a hard time, I’ll do it with my real name. So, nope, not your cute little troll either.
I certainly didn’t post the introduction mentioned (BTW I have neighbors that drive 3 miles out a county road to get their mail, so I don’t know why that part was unbelievable anyway) And I’m not Karen, either.
And ,hey, Dr. no, I really did like that ‘anarchist’ touch. Jim would be so proud if it were true, too. Well, all I can say is thank goodness you didn’t call me a Republican. Now that would have really hurt my feelings.
Prankster, huh? Well I do like to tell funny stories, but I never cared for pranks at all. That’s more your speciality, Dr. no or Joe Blow, or Larry and Moe, or thumper, humper, dumper, stumpjumper, or whatever name you are using tonight.
And no, honey, I wasn’t the troll on BTS either. I don’t live in Illinois. I live in Kentucky. You know that, remember.
Yep,I kow you, you big old redheaded troublemaker you. Hi,big J. How you doing? Love ya! Big kiss! Didn’t I already tell you to come out of the cold?
BTW guy, I give you a 5 for effort( too many holes in your story) and only a 1 for originality.You’ve used that ‘plant the seed of doubt’ before too many times. Of course if something works, stick with it, right?
Ok, now tell the truth. This has been a Friday the 13th joke, right? You should have saved this surprise for my birthday. More appropriate then.
I’ve spoken to Dave, Ken and Jim. They can verify that I am not responsible for any of the posts so claimed.
Dave and Ken. Please delete anything further that mentions me like that. I do not have time to come here to refute ridiculous claims. I have a life to live.
If anyone who doesn't have my current email addy wants to contact me,let Cindy in KY know (hope that is ok,Cindy - I forgot to ask you)
-- sharon wt (, July 13, 2001
Dear, sweet Sharon, it is sad and unnecessary to feel you had to refute the accusations of a mere troll like the Big J, not for jerk, but similar, tee-hee, here on the forum. But, given the snow flurry of mindless name-calling and nastiness, perhaps it is good you did!I give you a big "Brava, Brava!!!" for coming to your own defense, in person, unlike the Big J, who always remains "undercover" and hidden from personal attack.
Very bad Friday the 13th joke, folks!!!!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, July 14, 2001.
Um... I'm new to this forum, so please excuse me. There seems to be an awful lot of chatter, name calling, and other garbage here. I thought this forum was about country living, and the joys, challenges, and tasks thereof. Was I wrong?
-- just-someone (, July 14, 2001.
-- someone else (me,, July 14, 2001.
Fine by me, Sharon, you know you don't have to ask.
-- Cindy in KY (, July 14, 2001.
Is all of this really necessary?? For God sake,if it will help the forum to get past this bullsh*t, blame me! Tell the world that Ardie did it...I really don't care! Just let's get on with it!
-- Ardie from WI (, July 14, 2001.
Im with you ardie!
-- kathy h (, July 15, 2001.
Someone and someone else,As always, if you don't want to read a thread, no one's making you do it. There are plenty of threads here on strictly homesteading topics. The title should have been a clue that this wasn't one of them, don't you think?
-- Laura Jensen (, July 15, 2001.
Brave woman, Sharon! Kudos! I guess I'm out of touch and don't know who this Big J is, and I guess I don't really want to know. I'm just that way about unpleasantness in general, and have had way too much of it offline today. (This could explain my own unpleasant response above. My apologies to someone and someone else.) I want to say, though, that I enjoy your wit and wisdom, and look forward to "seeing" you elsewhere.
-- Laura Jensen (, July 15, 2001.
People pay attention to what was done to Sharon.You could be next, because mr no attacks a lot of people ,using different names and genders.
I'm not sure what bothers him-her but it might be the fact that Sharon is smarter, better looking, and a decent person.
Since I've been her husband about 20 years I believe I would be in a better position to judge than anybody here.
If mr no needs to talk to anyone, I'm willing. But he will have to come out from under his-her rock and admit who he-she is. I hate having to write double genders, so I would at least like that much cleared up.
-- Nick Tepsick (, July 15, 2001.