How do I get the pass word for beyond the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Dear Someone, I just want to know how do I get the pass word for beyond the sidewalks, I"m just a old lady that means no harm, but had fun reading all the forums, and all of a sudden its gone.Love Irene
-- Irene texas (, July 13, 2001
Sweet Irene, at the current time no one does..........when we do it will all be up to Jim.
-- diane (, July 13, 2001.
Diane is right. And PLEASE, everyone, do not be emailing Jim, he is not feeling well, and he does not need to be bombarded. Please respect his privacy. It was a public forum, but now it is private. That's just the way it is. It's Jim's forum and he has every right to do whatever he see's fit. This is not directed at any one person, I am just stating the facts here. Everyone relax and go outside awhile.
-- Cindy in KY (, July 13, 2001.
Been outside! It's still light out (6 pee-em here) and I think I'll go back out again! I brought home a yard of topsoil and can't wait to dig it into where I'm building my perennial beds.Have a nice evening!
-- sheepish (, July 13, 2001.
Well I emailed Jim when I saw that a password was required, there was an email address for the moderator. Later I found his other email address and since I had already emailed him at the moderator email addy that I would not send another. I figured since I didn't get an email with the password that I was not included. I simply thanked him for starting the forum and including me initially and that it was nice while it lasted. Sorry to hear that Jim is not feeling well.Namaste,
-- Judy Murray (, July 13, 2001.
Hey, I have no way to access the forum, either. Nobody does.I think we all need a time out!
"Let It Be."
-- sheepish (, July 13, 2001.
Jim has signed off for today. Cindy and I will be working on it some more. Please remain patient, she and I both have other (critter related) things to do as well.
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, July 13, 2001.
Gee, I hope Jim gets to feeling better. Relax and have a good night everyone.
-- vicki in NW OH (, July 13, 2001.
Just email him and ask for a password, he sent me mine. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 14, 2001.
I liked reading it. Could it be set up, one password for reading & one for contributing? Just an idea. DW
-- DW (, July 14, 2001.
Sorry DW, but no.
-- Cindy in KY (, July 14, 2001.
I'm sorry that I will not be able to read "Beyond The Sidewalks" anymore, but, you know, life goes on (and this world keeps on a turning). Bye then and God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, July 14, 2001.