ROTFLMAF or Did You Pass the Intelligence Test, or NOT??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Oh boy, the "Gladys and Walt" post OBVIOUSLY was a test of your basic gullibilty and plain ol' common sense, just because it is in print, doesn't make it true folks!!! The post was a marvelous piece of creative fiction, of course, did you not get the first and glaring clue, the 4 mile driveway on a 10 acre piece of property? Think about it!When folks were informed of the fictitious possibility of the post, folks got all bent out of shape because they were made a fool of, but no real harm was done, and goes to show you the true nature of folks you only think you know!
The post was a wonderfully creative piece of work, and I don't give a hoot at WHO wrote it, was a good lesson in human nature's overreactions to adverse stimuli, or, in layman's terms, folk's reactions to having their "feathers ruffled"!!!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, July 13, 2001
Hey, Annie, I guess I was the first one in line for the "stupid" line, since I was the first one posting to welcome Gladys to the forum. Actually, I just didn't read it carefully, but if you want to think I'm stupid, that's your prerogitive. I'll blame on it being late at night, when I should have been in bed instead of on the forums. I know that replying to it was about the last thing I did before I went to bed.It was the accusations of who did it that made me angry -- I consider them to be baseless falsehoods and the work of a real jerk.
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, July 13, 2001.
Yeah, I caught the 4 mile driveway on a 10 acre piece of property too, but I wondered if it was a typo. Then, I forgot all about cares!
-- Ardie from WI (, July 13, 2001.
Joy, you are certainly NOT stupid, remember, I didn't read it till today, and had the "advantage" of reading all the responses to it!!! And, it took me awhile to figure out what WAS up there.I, too, cannot believe the mean and down-right nasty attitude folk's take to the littlest indignation, especially when it is aimed at one of our own friends!!!
I was just trying to help folk's put this in it's proper perspective, and go on about their day.
Peace and harmony, all......
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, July 13, 2001.
Peace and harmony??? Than let's just drop this whole thing.
-- annie (, July 13, 2001.
Ok... curiosity got me, I missed the post, which one was it?
-- Bernice (, July 14, 2001.
Bernice, there were two: one called "Introducing ourselves", and a later one "SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!! (For doubting thread)". I'm afraid some (people?) get their jollies by enjoying how much of other people's time and energy they can waste. Even if it doesn't involve money directly, it's still fraud, and legally criminal; but they don't seem to recognise that. Oh, well - the technology and the will to enforce the law probably won't catch up to this sort of thing for a couple of years, and it will be their efforts that ensure we get big brother perched on our shoulder.
-- Don Armstrong (, July 14, 2001.
fraud and legally criminal?????????? for telling a story? are you people NUTS???????? hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
-- Earthmama (, July 14, 2001.
Oh Earthmama, how you make me chuckle! Now,as I said in another post, if it helps to get the forum past this bullsh*t, blame me for the two posts. I really don't care. All the name calling and bickering is certainly not how my grandparents and parents, who were farmers, brought me up. As undeducated and humble as they were, they never were intolerant of others. God bless!
-- Ardie from you-know-where (, July 14, 2001.
Oh, and they had a sense of humor too!
-- Ardie (, July 14, 2001.
Go with the flow people and don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short.
-- Sandra Nelson (, July 14, 2001.
I thought the original was innocent enough but the follow-ons are the real entertainment. :-)
-- john hill (, July 14, 2001.
I agree with John, the follow ups...true entertainment!! I still want to know if it was true or not.
-- DW (, July 14, 2001.
I totally agree, Auntie Em !!! Since when is writing fiction against the law???????
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, July 14, 2001.
Did it ever occur to any of you that it could have been from an older person who is a bit befuddled? I still say we should have accepted the person instead of trying to show how smart and smug we were to question it. Talking with them and "playing along" would have hurt no one. How someone could even suggest their was a crime committed here is ludicrous. I think some people here need to get a grip and quit being so paranoid. I don't think anyone looked stupid for responding as if the person was real. Stupid is only in the eye of the beholder. If the person is real, the "stupid" people will have been shown to be compassionate. I'm really amazed at how many people showed their true colors in making fun of the posting and the ones that responded. If you need to have this kind of thing to feed your ego, I think you have a lot to learn in life.
-- Colleen (, July 15, 2001.