Getting a goose to set : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread

Goose has laid twenty eggs this fall (I know they don't do that, but she did). She has not started to set. Would you: a)wait and hope she will? b)try to buy broody hens? c)buy an incubater? d)make omelets?

-- Kendy Sawyer (, October 26, 1999 Answers I don't think you can make a goose set. Usually they have to be at least two years old and then it depends on the breed and the individual. Some never set. If she has a nice private place to lay her eggs and she isn't setting, I would get an incubator.

-- Lani Jacobs (, October 26, 1999.


Is there a gander involved here?

-- Bob Henderson (, October 29, 1999.


My Chinese goose has laid eggs in the fall. She won't set in the fall though. I'd go for the broody hen, if possible. My experience with goose eggs in an incubator has been total failure. It is difficult to keep the humidity up enough for them to hatch.

-- A.C. Green (, October 29, 1999.

-- ducky (, July 13, 2001

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