Forum love. : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Man, I love you guys. You've been cracking me up lately. Plus your smart, and ... have you lost weight? My lord, you're an ethereal goddess if I ever saw one.

Talk some non-shit about the other people here.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001


Jesus. I'm not even going to correct that. Your smart. Oh, yeah, you are, but you're** forum leader isn't.

**I did that one on purpose.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

David Grenier is such fun to read that if he didn't exist I'd have to invent him. David, if you're ever in NYC, let me know so I can buy you a drink.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Man, I second that! I read this forum a lot more than I write in it because usually anything I want to say, he's said better already.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I shouldn't single people out because I don't want anyone else to think I don't love them, but I second the Dave love, put in a good word for Alleline and Sparkly Jen, and just ignore all charges of nepotism to thank my friend and neighbor h. for cracking me up with every smackdown she hands out. She is Smackdown Queen.

And Rudeboy. Damb. And all the rest of you, too.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I'm hoping Rudeboy brings some pee-lightful jugs of himself to Journalcon.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Oh! Cory! How could I forget to thank Cory for all the weird-ass topics he starts! I love Cory and his weird-ass threads. Maybe he should have his own section: Cory's Weird-Ass Threads.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I don't think I could participate in any forum in which Rudeboy didn't, because it would seem strangely empty and also sterile and cold.

Dave G. and Jen Wade and Lynda are terrifyingly smart, and say such bright things that I end up just back-buttoning out of any reply I might make to an intelligent thread, because everything's already been covered, and charmingly, by them.

Dave Van makes me laugh. Al capitalizes with an appropriate and admirable amount of emphasis. Keli's snarky and funny. Lisa Houlihan is wise. Beth is, like, totally the best moderator, like, ever. Dude. High five! Rock! And you can slip her into the terrifyingly smart category, too.

Everyone else is very pretty, have exceptional personalities and also, very fresh breath.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Everyone else is very pretty, have exceptional personalities and also, very fresh breath.

That's because a mouthful of Xeney in the morning keeps you feeling fresh all day long.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Why thank you. I couldn't have done it without the sporadic influx of complete idiots, and of course, the Lord. Oh, and feel free to write shit about me: I know where you live and would feel just fine about dropping off abandoned puppies at your gate.

Did you know that my ex might read this? He did when we went out and even said hello to you in the parking lot of Lucky's once. He knows where I live, so you can double-write shit about me. Just remember: puppies (with personality problems).

Personally, I am a rudeboy fan, especially when he flings out the pithy short attitude. Lynda wins the prize for thinking gal.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

That's what Jeremy says, anyway.

Ba-dump, bump!

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I know where you live and would feel just fine about dropping off abandoned puppies at your gate.

Was that you who did it this morning? Because somebody did. I was very good; I didn't look outside until it wandered away.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Everyone here is special but I must single out one special guy.

Who doesn't post as much as he used to.

I would always be sure to mention any of his postings to h.

That is for sure.

Maybe I shouldn't mention him by name.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

This is my favorite forum because it has interesting topics and nearly all the posters are intelligent people who post really discussion rather than just insulting each other. And they're funny.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I love you guys so much that I'm tempted to believe that it's Xeney operatives in France who are re sponsible for this. Fresh breath, concerned about the welfare of helpless garden gnomes ... yeah, that's you guys to a T.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I love all of you guys! [sobs] I love just sitting back and watching Lynda and David and Jen and Beth spar with each other or with themselves. I love how everyone puts the smackdown on whoever needs it. I love that this forum taught me the term "smackdown." But most of all I love Pink Sparkly Jen, because she singled me out by my widdle iddle own name.

And yes Beth, I am probably going to JournalCon.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

The front cover of this month's Family Circle Magazine (which NO! I don't read, but see at the supermarket every day) has a headline on it that reads, 'The End of Bad Hair Days,' and I was really, really bummed out to see that, until it sunk in that they weren't talking about this site, but about new hairstyles.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I'm not too great at the intelligent debate, and my wit is questionable, but I'll take the weight loss compliment. And, on behalf of those who generally lurk around the forums, Beth I think you have the best darn lurkers of any forum anywhere!

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Speaking for the lurkers, I agree.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

Hey, hey, wanna give a shout out to Mr. Campbell... interesting thoughts on the Levy Intern thread as well as a good reminder that parents are learning the ways of the web so I should watch my mouth.

And yes, greco-roman gods of sleep have mommies and daddies, too.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

There's also Pedro the Lion who has a song called Bad Diary Days:

barely ever fight,she knows that i love her
at first we made it every night, but i don't wanna bug her about it
she just has a funny way of loving me
a pair of ticket stubs in her desk - a movie in her desk i've never seen
i prolly shouldn't ask - it sounds so accusing
she must have forgotten to mention girl's night out

the breakfast cereal talked more than we did all day long
i asked her for a walk, but she had to be on her way
so i told her that i knew she'd been stepping out

she swore that she could explain
she swore that it would not happen again
she swore that she could explain
we both knew her words were in vain

Make of that what you will. Much love to coryglen for the Xeney, Doh genius too.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

In all seriousness, and echoing something Beth said in the entry, I've been impressed with many people here. This is by and large a group of smart, likable people and the noise factor is quite low. I'm a relative latecomer to the forum, and it's been my loss for not having gotten involved long ago.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

As far as love to this list, the number one prize goes to Rudie, who always makes me wonder, "just how much is he kidding and how much is he serious?" Trouble is probably a close runner up for being a fellow radical, although she doesn't post here often anymore. Tom Dean is generally a pretty fart smella, and jen popbomb... how can you not love someone named "popbomb." Like beth, though, I feel wierd naming names cuz I could probably write something great about everyone on this forum, especially if I went back and looked at all the threads over the year or two I've been on here.

Even Dave Van makes me laugh sometimes.

But wait, didn't the Debate Club decide that we all suck?

Oh yeah, and Alleline, the next time I will be in NYC is November.

I'll be flying home (Providence) for my birthday (11/11) which I plan to spend at East Providence Lanes (for all you stalkers). Then on the 12th my buddy and I are getting in his car and driving down to Orlando for five days of roller coasters, water slides, and campy dinner theaters. Then we drive back and I spend Thanksgiving with my folks. I fly back to Seattle the 25th.

Hopefully that will leave some time for me to tool down to NYC and spend some time getting sloppy drunk in Brooklyn. I never turn down free drinks. If there's anyone else on the East Coast that wants a visit, lemme know.

And for all you SF/Sacto area people... there's a chance my squeeze and I will fly down to that area some weekend this summer to go to Six Flags (yes, roller coasters are the theme here), so if any of yinz want to buy us a drink, give us a place to stay, or let me pat your dogs, drop a line.

I promise to be an extra-good dog-patter.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

This is the only forum I've been interested enough in to read through the topics. This is the only forum I've ever posted a reply to. And now you're saying there's a bunch of crap out there and I just got lucky? Well, then, lucky me! I hate reading through stupid peoples' unthoughtful and 'never read a damn thing' ideas, so I guess I'll just piggy-back a little longer. Thanks!

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

I was a forum virgin before Bad Hair Days. I couldn't have asked for a better introduction. Lively debate, great book recommendations, and thoughtful questions abound. (I've added an unbelievable number of books to the TBR pile thanks to you folks.)

You all make easing into my workday a much more pleasant experience. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001


I read the forum all of the time. I linked directly to "new answers" during beth's hiatus because I couldn't bear to give it up (beth, I'm glad you are back. I love reading your entries!).

this was my first forum experience, and I haven't found anything I enjoy better in the past 1 1/2 years. thanks to all who make it a great place!

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2001

My lord, you're an ethereal goddess if I ever saw one.

Thank you Beth, although I will admit I'm not entirely sure how to take that statement...

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2001

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