Donkey Information, Books : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, I just checked the countryside bookstore, but couldn't find anything there, so I thought some of you can surely point me in the right direction. A friend of us is expecting a couple of donkey foals this month. I'm thinking about getting one, once they are weaned, and I would like to eventually brake him to drive and ride.This friend raises horses and donkeys for a living, and has a lot of equine knowledge, so I'm sure he is available to help. But, I like to go into things with open eyes, and I don't know the first thing about donkeys. Anybody out there , that could tell me wich books to get, and where to get them, and any advice on this, will be greatly appreciated. I did read the thread about the people that thought about getting a colt, and raise him up for a riding horse, would it be as bad of an idea, to do this with a donkey? Again I would really appreciate the help. Thanks Karin
-- karin morey (, July 11, 2001
I love my book: THE DEFINITIVE DONKEY, by Paul & Betsy Hutchins. I think it is self-published, however, so I don't know how easy it will be to get. Mine says it was published by Hee Haw Book Service in 1981.
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, July 12, 2001.
There are miniature, standard and Mammoth donkeys. The mini (up to 36 inches) is only good for small kids to ride; they're usually hitched to a cart. The standard (up to 54 inches) and Mammoths (starting at just over 54 inches and going up) are used for riding. Your size would determine which to use. My trail riding partner is a Mammoth donkey, and he has been for many years. I'm a hair under 5 feet; the Mammoth stands 14.3 hands (59 inches at the withers).Donkeys are used for riding, driving, packing, guarding, racing, handicapped riding.
The American Donkey and Mule Society has bunches of books and videos thru their Heehaw Book Service. Call/e-mail and they'll be happy to provide you with the info.
(940) 382-6845
Fax (940) 484-8417
-- ~Rogo (, July 12, 2001.
Just joining the Donkey association that Rogo wrote about is great because you get a free copy of the Brayer! It is great also! The information packet they send you with your inquiry about their association gives you book lists, and breeders lists, really everything you could possibly want to know. The Association also has phamplets that are very inexpensive on every subject you could possibly want to learn about! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 12, 2001.
Thanks for all the references to ADMS - we are happy to help anyone out. We ahve recently moved and are celebrating our 35th birthday in a new home in Lewisville TX. The Definitive Donkey and many other books are available and are shown at ADMS also has a new URL for our website and our new phone is 972-219-0781Thanks and happy longears to all!
-- Leah Patton (, February 22, 2002.