Explicit content warninggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
OK, here is the problem. For the last two days, when I used my search engine to find countryside, I received this alert- EXPLICIT CONTENT ALERT then rerouted me to a site that was UNAVAIBLE. Finally got here from LUSENET. what is the deal? Are we pornographers now? Why has this happened? Any thoughts?
-- Terri Perry (teperry@stargate.net), July 11, 2001
Have you updated your anti-virus program and run a check on your machine?What was the name of the site to which it tried to redirect you?
Also, sounds like you may be running a "Net-Nanny" style program which is confused. Have you updated that recently? If so, that may be the problem. Try it again, then see what happens. If you still have problems, contact support at their site.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), July 11, 2001.
TerryWhy are you using a search engine? Don't you have the site bookmarked?
-- rick K (rick_122@hotmail.com), July 11, 2001.