30 Acre Southern Indiana Homestead For Salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
A 30 acre southern Indiana homestead will be auctioned on Saturday, July 21, at 10 a.m. Property is located in hilly northeastern Washington County (40 minutes from Louisville, Kentucky) and borders both Jackson-Washington State Forestry and county owned rustic park. A well-maintained 1/4 mile lane leads to this secluded property. About 8 acres are open for pasture and/or garden, balance is in woods. Drinking water comes from an early 1900’s hand-dug, stone wall well and a more recently constructed spring fed spring house. Property has three ponds stocked with bluegill, catfish and bass (several over 6 pounds). A small creek flows through the property. A 1,400 square foot rustic looking home is nestled in woods and has a single bedroom, one bath. It has electric baseboard heat as well as wood stove. Also on property is a 28x32 horse/cattle barn, 12x16 shed and 12x20 shed with mini-greenhouse. A 24x36 barn with 12x16 open porch and 6x22 walk-in cooler is equipped with electric, water & heat. Building was used for custom wild game processing. Open house viewing on Sunday, July 15 from 5-7 p.m. For more information contact auctioneer Steve at Heil’s Auction Service at 812-294-4451 or email at heilauction3@cs.com
-- CURT in Southern Indiana (ctimes@hsonline.net), July 08, 2001