Canning-What did I do wrong?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello all,

I haven't been on in quite a while, for various reasons,but I hope you're all doing well.

I've been trying to learn to can here, and I think I'm doing it wrong at least part of the time.

I made a big batch of salsa, and we tried to can it. (By the way, the fig preserves we just finished turned out great, so I'm not sure what the difference is.) Anyway, when we put the jars into the boiling water, little bubbles started coming up to the surface. I figured maybe that was okay, so we let it process in the water bath for 25 min. and took them out. A few minutes later, the lids made a sound and popped down. (I guess when they cooled a little). But Randy said he watched the jars in the water, and he still saw a few bubbles (from the jars)all through the processing, and I can still see a couple of (very small) air pockets inside the jars.

I did stick a knife inside the jar and run it around the edges to release the air before we tightened the lids and processed, but I didn't get much.

i don't remember this happening with the figs, but it was 1 am beore we finished, and I'm not sure if I was completely coherent LOL.

So, is this normal, or should I take the salsa out of the jars and freeze them to be safe?

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any advice you all have to offer.

-- Kristin, in La. (, July 08, 2001


For doing hot water bath did you add vinegar, if not did you have vegs in. I wouldn't worry about pockets if it was process correctly and the lids are sealed. I guess I use the pressure processor on anything that has vegs in without lots of vinegar.

-- Debbie (, July 08, 2001.

Kristin, The popping sound is normal. It is the sound of the lids sealing. A few little bubbles rising to the top in the jars while processing is normal too. You can water bath salsa, just make sure you process it for the required time. Sounds like your salsa will be just fine next winter! Pam

-- Pam Harsh (, July 08, 2001.

I always have bubbles in my jars of thick applesauce. What is happening, is that the contents of the jar are boiling, and since it is thick, the bubbles sometimes have a harder time making their way to the top. After removing them from the canner, the mixture will continue to boil for a little bit, as the temperature slowly sinks to below processing temp. Some of the bubbles never even reach the top, as the mixture cools, and it gets thicker.

-- daffodyllady (, July 08, 2001.

Yep, I agree with the others. You are fine. That popping sound of the lids is a good thing! As long as the jars are sealed (have that indent in the middle) you are good to go! Air bubbles are impossible to all the way out. Also you can water bath salsa as long as the majority of it is tomatoes. That makes a high acid sauce that will water bath fine. If for the most part it is other vegetables of low acid (corn, onions, etc.), then you would need to pressure can.

-- Karen (, July 09, 2001.

Hello all,

I appreciate all of your responses. I did, in fact, use plenty of vinegar, and I think I feel pretty safe now that I've read your answers. I have, however, read another post a little way up that scared me half to death, but I've finished breathing into a paper bag, and I think I'm okay now. LOL

Have a great week, all!

-- Kristin, in La. (, July 09, 2001.

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