Yet another site for home-made Earth Boxes -- & potato : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, that title says it all. But here is the page address for a guy making his own that I thought you might like --
Found this idea for potato barrels while surfing around, and thought that I would share it. I found a pail of spuds in the garage I'd forgotten about that were sprouting big time and have started up my own barrel --
-- julie f. (, July 07, 2001
Thanks for the links Julie. The last time I went to the landfill, the lady in front of me had eight of the rubbermaid tubs stacked in the back of her pickup with the rest of her trash. Being the shy retiring type that I am, (NOT !!!) I jumped out of my truck and ran up to ask her if I could have them. She was throwing them away because the tops had cracked or warped. I quickly took them out of her truck and put them in mine. Thanks again for the links.
-- Grannytoo (, July 07, 2001.