TV Alert Removed From New Questions (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Was the "TV alert thread" removed from the New Questions?When this happens does the banished thread always remain on the New Answers, or is this a mistake.
How can one determine what caused the deletion? Was it the flames between posters? Will certain buzz words like the "J" word (momma please don't wash my mouth out with soap)flag a thread for deletion.
I have no objection to the forum being regulated, but I expect to know what the rules are, after all I am a Homesteader.
-- rick K (, July 07, 2001
It's still around. They drop off the bottom of the main list after something like a week. You can still find it on the screen "New Answers". If you can't find a thread in either place, you have to check the archives (Older Questions) for the thread.
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, July 07, 2001.
I checked the new and recently answered posts, didn't see it, was reading a post there about an hr ago for that thread. Looks like it may have been deleted. Too many in archives to read right now, getting bedtime.
-- Bernice (, July 07, 2001.
I guess you are right Joy. I had not looked at the date, and it was like now you see it, now youi don't!
-- rick K (, July 07, 2001.
What happened is that it was a time-sensitive thread alerting people to an upcoming TV program. If it went into the archives it wouldn't have helped anyone since the program would have been history. On this type of thread we have the capability to indicate how many days it should remain before it expires off the board. I thought I indicated 30, but may have just said 7. Content had absolutely nothing to do with the situation.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 07, 2001.