Need Help on Breaking Out Gardening (General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
At the moment there are 511 threads under the Gardening (General) category. If I created a Gardening (Berries) category that would only pull out about 35. In going through the threads I don't see enough with a common theme to warrant grouping them together under other subcategories. Any suggestions?
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 06, 2001
Here are some ideas:Troubleshooting harvesting planting pests diseases planning flowers vegetables fruits
I wouldn't use all of these but maybe a few would work?? Amy
-- amy richards (, July 06, 2001.
I do not envy you ...what an undertaking this is!fruits/fruit and Nut trees vegetables herbs/herbals harvesting/preserving flowers lawns
-- westbrook (, July 07, 2001.
Bear in mind there are already existing categories for Orchard, Herbs/Herbalism, food preservation (under Kitchen categories), Trees (where nut trees would fall) and Gardening (Pests/Diseases). For the others mentioned, there wouldn't be sufficient common threads to justify a separate category and Gardening (Vegetables) would be about as large as the existing Gardening (General).
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 07, 2001.
Ken, as I know you're aware, you could reach a point of diminishing returns on this one - where the sub-categories become too numerous for you to maintain, or the contributors to use. My suggestions (only! - I don't have a feel for the dynamics of the thing) are corn (as you'd guess - maybe your question got set off by one of my responses in that area) and potatoes. But .... I really don't know whether adding those two categories would be worth the roughly thirty each you'd be able to suck off from the main category, thereby expanding the sub-groups in gardening to something fairly huge.
-- Don Armstrong (, July 10, 2001.