My Pekin duck has gone Quackers! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a female Pekin duck who lost her clutch of eggs. They were trashed by a female buff rock chicken who decided to kick the duck off the nest and take over. When the feathers had settled, the eggs were smashed and the nest scattered.The duck rebuilt the nest, but it was apparently too late in the season and she hasn't laid any more eggs. So she sits on an empty nest, day after day, week after week. This has been going on for several weeks now. How much longer will this behavior continue? Or do I need to get her some therapy. Like showing her an empty stew pot and hopes she gets the message. :)
-- Craig Miller (, July 06, 2001
for seven year my peking mates with the muscovi which they cant cross mate. Every year she sat on rotten eggs. My mallards which are lousey mother were losing the babies to owls. So two weeks ago my mallard hatched babies we took the babies and but them under the peking. it took two of us because she was fighting us off. the babies were just hatched and she excepted them very well. she makes one heck of a mother. I gave my children a lesson about mother hood any one can have a baby but not everyone can be agood parent. The babies are two weeks old and growing fast .She is very protective and being she does not fly like the mallards she does not take them as far from home. Try to get access to eggs or babies it isnot to late.
-- paul miller (, July 06, 2001.
That's interesting...I have had Pekin ducks for 4 years and not one has wanted to set. The books all say they will set, but lose interest fast and are not good mothers. Was going to put some duck eggs under a setting hen this year, but am to busy with other gardening to baby them.
-- Duffy (, July 06, 2001.
Hi,Craig~ This kind of behaviour can go on for a LONG time. The duck will lose weight all the while she sitting and it doesn't do her any good at all. I had a goose who did this once and she absolutely debilitated herself. If I were you, I'd destroy her nest and let her get on with the rest of the summer and enjoy things a bit.Jennifer L.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, July 07, 2001.
Get her off that nest. I don't know where you live but down here in Texas, it get's really hot during the summer. I had a Pekin mother who was sitting on eggs(which were all rotten) for 4 weeks and when I finally got her off, I was too late. She was never the same after that. She could hardly walk, eat or do much of anything and eventually died several days later. Simply destroy the nest and discourage her from making another one. Otherwise you may end up with duck who has fried her brain. Just an idea.
-- c.d. (, July 07, 2001.