PR for MomovTriplets : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

ezOP Posts: 3018 (4/18/01 11:58:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Community Supporter

Prays for Gods1Sheep's daughter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- she is having one health problem after another, and topped it off with falling and possibly breaking her ankle.....she has a very full life, and the mother of almost seems she is going through a spiritual testing period, please let us pray for her to be strong in the face of these tribulations, and remain steadfast in her faith in Christ. Amen Inner Connections Kona2 Forum Guide Posts: 818 (4/19/01 1:56:14 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Prays for Gods1Sheep's daughter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will do! He never gives us more than we can handle, but it sure helps to ease the burden when you have lots of people praying for you. Inner Connections DOTZAP Our Miss Sunshine Posts: 1315 (4/20/01 1:21:40 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Prays for Gods1Sheep's daughter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hear you there, Kona. She is in my most urgent prayers, too.

"The love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man." ~~~Charles Darwin~~~ Please visit us at the Thought Message Board Guardian 507 The Guardian Academy SAR01 ezOP Posts: 3039 (4/20/01 1:58:11 am) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: Prays for Gods1Sheep's daughter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Kona and dottie, I know our prayers will help her heal quickly and restore her mental outlook, to know that the Lord has been beside her, or carrying her. Inner Connections MomOvTriplets Registered User Posts: 6 (4/23/01 2:22:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Thank you all so much -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To all,

Thanks to all of you for your loving ways and thoughtful prayers. Thanks, mom!! :-)

My ankle is a bit better and I am able to bear a tiny amount of weight onto it today. The progress is way too slow for my liking, but I must let go and let God heal me all on His time, not mine. But I sure would appreciate it if He could bump up the time frame just a tad. LOL. I am sure that I now know how poor Job felt!! :-) ENOUGH ALREADY! LOL. I have 3 beautiful children to care for and a wonderful,loving husband who is about to drop dead from all the things that have fallen on his plate. Literally-everyone and everything around the house. He has been so gracious, kind and loving. I am truly blessed but he needs a break badly!

I am chomping at the bit to get outdoors with the children and do some Spring planting as I feel that my hands in the earth and soil, along with the colors of the flowers and the smell of Spring air will heal at least my soul, if not my body as well.

Anyhow, thanks to all of you with such loving spirits and loving thoughts. It truly means a lot. I just now have gone on the computer for the first time in days, so forgive my time lapse in replying. Gods1sheep Registered User Posts: 5 (4/23/01 3:25:34 pm) Reply | Edit | Del You are all so kind... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...beginning with SAR, who introduced this prayer request. I haven't been able to get into the 'net much for the past couple of busy weeks at work, nor even into my home e-mails for days. So when MomOvTriplets, my daughter, forwarded this to me, I was very touched and overjoyed at your taking her needs before the Lord in prayer.

She'll have a fit if I say this, but she is one great gal, of whom I am very proud, and whom I love dearly. So to know that SHE knows that she is not alone, but has new friends here praying for her, gives me much comfort for her.

Maybe someday she'll post a photo of her Trio. I have such a neat one staring at me right now from my desk, of her and her hubby, proudly holding the kids. DOTZAP Our Miss Sunshine Posts: 1341 (4/23/01 7:50:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Community Supporter

Re: You are all so kind... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MomOvTriplets it's so good to hear from you and to know that you are on the mend. Please don't try to push things for yourself so you regress in your recuperation. Much love to your dear husband for all he is doing to keep things going. I pray you will soon be 100% and outside doing all you wish to be doing. Again ... please make sure your recovery is full before you try anything you shouldn't.

-- SAR01 (, July 05, 2001

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