Can both sexes of goats have wattles? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My pygmy doe just gave birth to twins last week. At first sight I thought they were twin doelings because they both had wattles on their necks. Upon closer examination they appear to be bucks. This is my first experience with baby goats, and it may just be coincidence that all the goats I've seen with wattles are female. I've searched the Internet and no one else has answered my question. Please help.
-- Debbie Christiansen (, July 04, 2001
We all our Kinder does have wattles and our Kinder buck also has wattles, so I'd guess that either gender can have them.
-- Trisha-MN (, July 04, 2001.
-- Anita Evangelista (, July 04, 2001.
I don't raise pygmies but i do raise Alpines. Both sexes can have wattles.
-- Bernice (, July 04, 2001.
It is a very simple inhereited gene. So both sexes. Most breeders I know cut these off at birth to keep other kids from sucking on them, also makes for a cleaner neck in the show ring. I have never had a Nubian with them. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 05, 2001.
Hi, all sexes can have wattles. I haven't had any Nubians with wattles, but my Toggenburgs do.
-- Golden Era (, July 06, 2001.
Not only can either sex have wattles, but a goat can have one wattle or two. I have a kinderdoe without and a saanen with wattles, and the kinderbuck I use has wattles. I tell children (since they always ask about those funny things on the neck first) that they're sort of like earrings on a goat!! Some like to dress up!
-- Sheryl in Me (, July 06, 2001.
Well... have a token togg in the herd now, was all Alpines. The togg has one wattle.
-- Bernice (, July 07, 2001.