Which bulb for Omega D2V condensor head?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I need a bulb for my Omega D2V condensor head. Which part number should I order? Does B&H carry them? Thanks.

-- bill akstens (bill.akstens@trw.com), July 03, 2001


The 211 is the common 75 W bulb. A 212 is 150 but may not be recomended. If memory serves me there is a plate on the side of the light housing that specifies the bulb type and max power.

Most any photo store with darkroom stuff should have 'em. I pay less than $5 each.


-- Duane K (dkucheran@creo.com), July 03, 2001.

Duane is correct. The plate on the side of my D2V says 75 watts, and "Enlarging Lamp No. 211".

-- Warren Weckesser (weck@ima.umn.edu), July 04, 2001.

Sometimes you'll need the brighter 212 - it depends on what you do. For example, with the 211, when I want to print a heavy Minox negative to 5x7 - which requires racking the 50mm lens all the way up - forget it: we're talking a minute-plus exposure even if I only close down to f/5.6. The brighter 212 makes a BIG difference.

Of course, for larger negatives (and even 35mm is large vs. Minox!), it's not such an issue... I only mention this because the length and speed of the lenses, and the negative sizes you're printing, and the sensitivity of the paper, and the filters used, all contribute to the illumination needs. Sometimes you may need a 212. I recommend getting one of each.

-- Michael Goldfarb (mgoldfar@mobius.com), July 05, 2001.

If you can't find the 211 bulb locally try www.purlandsupply.com. I would be hesitant to use a higher wattage bulg than recommended. It would increase the heat in the head and increase the danger of negative pop. RO

-- Robert Orofino (minotaur1949@iopener.net), July 07, 2001.

I'm all thumbs on these new fangled contraptions actual address is: www.purelandsullpy.com.

-- Robert Orofino (minotaur1949@iopener.net), July 07, 2001.

One last try! www.purelandsupply.com

-- Robert Orofino (minotaur1949@iopener.net), July 07, 2001.

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