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I am getting all the e-mail from a thread (War between religions). Just wanted everyone to know I am not daffodlyllady!! Is she using my e-mail address? Anyway to keep people from doing this Ken?....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001
Aaaaa!! I'm a little embarressed. Seems someone dug up an old thread that I posted some time back. This is a reminder to me that I played a small part in all the conflicts on the forum. For this I am sorry....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001.
When you started that thread back in October, you musta checked the box that says "notify me of responses by email". That's all it is, no big deal. And we know you are not Daffodlyllady! She just responded to your thread recently. No worries Kirk.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), July 03, 2001.
And I am sorry, too. I guess it must be getting to that time of month when I must watch my mouth closer. You guys dont have anything to blame it on, do you? Seriously, though, I had no idea that wasnt a new thread, ad it popped up on recent answers. I shall indeed read the dates before responding... and I shall work on my attitude. Again, I am sorry for being a B****. :^)
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001.
I just got two e-mails for something I asked a year ago. It was a surprise, not only on getting a responce to something I had forgotten about but also two different people answered it on the same day. Maybe it got posted someplace new again.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), July 03, 2001.
Dee: I was just surprised because in the e-mail they were talking to Daffodyllady. I thought someone was using my address. Also I thought the thread was deleted so I was completely confused. I don't want to see my old threads come up knowing Dave wants politics and religion stopped.....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001.
-- daffodyllady, I was having a bit of a bad hair day myself or I might not have been so outspoken about your response. truce???
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001.
truce, diane. I'll try to be nicer now.
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), July 04, 2001.
I personally don't think that Dave or Ken have the time to devote to go into the archives and delete all the religious and political posts. I may be wrong but that seems like a real waste of valuable time.
-- Ardie from WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), July 04, 2001.
Just for clarification, neither Dave or I are against threads containing religious or political references, pretty well as long as they are done in passing. When either become the focus of the thread, and they are not reasonable homesteading-related, then that is a different story. We didn't have a problem with Hoot's threads until witnessing became the focus of them. Another example, a thread, in passing, asks for prayers to be directed at someone. Fine. However, if the thread title is a prayer request, then Dave and I are probably going to discuss it.You may well get replies to threads you posted years ago when people go through the older messages and want to respond to them. Replies may or may not be directed at you, but rather to someone else who posted against the thread. If you don't want that to happen, when you create a new thread, just check the box to indicate you don't want replies coming to you.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), July 04, 2001.
Kirk, by the way, please dont forward that mail to me. I am not really interrested. LOL
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), July 04, 2001.