canning green tomatoes : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi. I'm going to can sliced green tomatoes. All of my books are old and dont give a time for pressure canning them. I can ripe tomatoes by running the pressure up to 15lbs and turning the canner off. I dont want these to be mushy so dont think that will do. It kind of blows up the ripe ones which is alright for what I want to use them for. Thanks for an answer BLessings Peggy

-- peggy carr (, July 02, 2001


Saw your question just sitting there without any answers. I have never canned green tomatoes myself.. but decided to go look for an answer for you. Here is a link to one recipe, which if you wanted to you could skip the spices, and just refer to the pressure cooking timer, which is really the part you wanted to know. I sure do envy you with green tomatoes! Just copy and paste the link.

-- Carole in Tx (, July 03, 2001.

call your county extension agent they can give you recipes and processing times.

-- ronda (, July 03, 2001.

According to what I've read, green tomatoes can better because they are higher in acid. The only exception is green (or red) tomatoes from a vine that has been frost-killed. The roots take nutrients from the tomatoes and they are not longer safe to can. They can be eaten fresh or frozen tho.

-- Bonnie (, July 03, 2001.

Thanks for the answers. I've always thought that they had less acid when they were green. I'm glad to know better. I wont worry about waterbathing them. Thanks again. Peggy

-- peggy carr (, July 03, 2001.

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