I have learned 2 new skills this week! (Forum Related)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This site is great! I have learned how to use a skill saw and fix a pull cord on a lawn mower, all in one week! I know there are those contriversial things that people have opinions about and what not, but I love this site! Where else can you learn to make cheese, tell someone you are praying for them, learn how to make and fix things,money questions and learn of so many other good sites!And thank you to everyone no matter who you are that puts up with double posts, emails, and angry answers to stay here!
Boy, I hope I feel this loveydovey tomorrow! Lynn
-- Lynn (johnnypfc@yahoo.com), June 29, 2001
Lynn,I'll bet your significant other is hoping you feel that way tonight. ;o)
The site, I agree, is wonderful and made so by the great people here. I've only been here about a week myself and find myself checking more than daily now. I'm still enjoying reading the archives and think I will for some time to come.
I'd like to add my kudos to the chorus. Thanks to all.
-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), June 29, 2001.
Congrats, Lynn!!!I love to learn new things too, and this page is great place for expanding my horizons!
By the way, I posted some additional info on your last mower post, if you care to read it.
-- clove (clovis97@Yahoo.com), June 30, 2001.
I can hardly wait for the next question and hope it is something that I can answer. Also, I like all the input of other people.
-- Russell Hays (rhays@sstelco.com), June 30, 2001.