Hand crank butter churns

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi you guys! I have a very dear elderly neighbor who has a cow and bless her heart, shares with me fresh milk, cream and butter. She has an old hand crank butter churn but the bottle broke the other day and we can't find on that will fit the threads. Her birthday is coming up soon and I would love to buy her a "new" one. Have no idea where to start looking. Lehmans doesn't have much to choose from. She's a particular lady and wants one with the wooden paddle with a hand crank.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As I mentioned, she is very dear and a new one would definitely last her a lifetime.

Thanks in advance!


-- Sherry Talbot (stalbot@ubtanet.com), June 28, 2001




-- Max (Maxel@inwindsor.com), June 28, 2001.

Is this what you are looking for?

Butter Churn from Cumberland General Store

This one has a metal dasher.  Lehman's carries one too, I'm not sure what the dashers are made of..

Butter Churn from Lehman's

I don't think they make the ones with the wooden dashers anymore.  These MIGHT actually be the same churn - they are the same price.  They look slightly different in the pictures, but Lehman's says theirs is the only one made with a glass jar, and Cumberland says theirs has a glass jar too.  Who knows.

-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), June 28, 2001.

Can't help, except to offer a little advice- tell her to hang onto the part that is intact. Then, look around, maybe on ebay or antique shops, and eventually you will likely find a jar that matches the original.

-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), June 28, 2001.

Oh, yeah, the jars are cheap, its the dashers that are expensive. I saw a jar at the local junk store, it was $10. A few weeks later I saw just the dasher part, and the dashers weren't even in very good shape, and THAT was $110!!!!

-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), June 28, 2001.

Is it a Daisy churn?

-- Cathy <>< (trinityhealth@nativestar.net), June 28, 2001.

I own the one from Lehmans and the dasher is made of stainless steel. If the one that broke is a Daisy you might not find a replacement jar, at least not a cheap one. :o( I think they changed to metal dashers due to bacterial concerns like with using a wooden dasher. Good luck , and you are so fortunate to have a neighbor who'll share milk and the cream, I envy you. :o)

Blessings, Kelle

-- Kelle in MT. (kvent1729@aol.com), June 28, 2001.

Folks: Really interesting stuff -- I'm new to this. Found two things I have looked for -- butter churn and hand coffee grinder. If I want to make butter can I use store bought cream, or would I need a source of un-processed cream?? Thanks...jim

-- jim w. (jwp@nesc.epa.gov), June 29, 2001.

Jim, storebought cream will work. It's personal preference whether to use it or unprocessed.

@--->--->--- Dee

-- Dee Jarvis (deejarvis@aol.com), June 29, 2001.

The suggestion of ebay is the best. I was in the market for a churn and I researched it for about 6 months before I finally found what I wanted on ebay for a reasonable price.

-- kathy (davidwh6@juno.com), June 29, 2001.

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