Parts for Hand Pumps??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We were forunate enough to purchase a home with an old spring well along with a drilled well. However the hand pump on the spring well needs some work. (It worked for a few years) Does anyone know where I can order parts or a complete unit? This model is about 4 feet tall and was made by Columbiana Pump Co. in Columbiana Ohio. Any help appreciated.
-- M Noldy (, June 28, 2001
Not sure what parts you need, but try Lehman's.
-- Elizabeth (, June 28, 2001.
looking for columbiana handpump model 1542 or simular pump
-- peter mauritz (, February 20, 2002.
How deep is the spring well as you can get a new one for around $50 if it is 23' or less.
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 20, 2002.