Reclassifying Some Forum Categories (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wanted to float this by you. Would it help you to assign categories if I consolidated the ones relating to the kitchen under something like the following: Country Kitchen (Baking), (Butter/Cheese/Cream/Etc.), (Canning), (Cooking), (Design/Equipment), (Food Preservation), (Jams/Jellies) and (Misc.). The one for Butter... would include ice cream and yogurt. The one for Food Preservation would include such things as dehydration and jerky. The one for Misc. would, of course, include those related to the kitchen, but which doesn't seem to fall in one of the other categories.Two other categories under consideration are Poultry (Eggs) and Gardening (Berries).
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, June 28, 2001
I think it would be great Ken. I just now signed on to go into the archives and look under milk and cheese, again. Thank you so much for taking the time to organize all this good info.
-- Cindy in KY (, June 28, 2001.
I think this sounds good as well, Ken, except I would like to see the category be "dairy" rather than butter. I wouldn't know to look under butter for ice cream and yogurt.
-- Cindy Clarke (, June 28, 2001.
yes, I also think Dairy Products would be the best discription.
-- diane (, June 28, 2001.
Great - this is why I like to float changes like this through the forum first.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, June 28, 2001.
Hi Ken.Thanks for the update. I agree about 'Dairy', but am confused by 'Cooking'. Is that for techniques or recipes or both? As friends at NPS used to say, "Clarification, please!"
You're doing a GREAT job, Ken. Thank YOU!!!
-- Randle Gay (, June 28, 2001.
This is the first place I check every day even though I lurk more than I post. I think that's a great idea to have those three categories. Thanks again for all the effort you put into making this such a great forum.
-- Grannytoo (, June 28, 2001.
Randle:Yes, both. To me boiling water is cooking.
Ken S.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, June 28, 2001.
Great idea, Ken! I agree with the Dairy catagory too! You're doing a great job. God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, June 28, 2001.
You are always making it easier and better all the time,keep the good work coming.
-- Mary (, June 28, 2001.
These changes sound great. I do have a question about one category. Why are other fowl listed separately (geese, ducks, turkeys) and chickens are listed under poultry? Aren't they all poultry?
-- Sheryl in ME (, June 29, 2001.