Rouen : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I bought 4 Rouen ducks from our local feed store back at the begining of May. Although I know for sure that 1 is a female, her feather colors are the same as the males. I thought that the males would have the brilliant colors like Mallards do. Is that right? if so, when will their colors change? Thanks!
-- c.d. (, June 27, 2001
My rouen ducks didn't get real pretty until they were about 6 months old. Now my male is very handsome indeed!!! His feathers have a very nice sheen to them. Hang in there, it will happen!!Cindy
-- Cindy in Ok (, June 27, 2001.
c.d. Pop over to the Poultry Connection's General Waterfowl Forum. You will learn everything you ever wanted to know 'bout your Rouens. By the way, my mallard drakes start first with bill color change, to greenish while the hens change to brownish orange. Then the burgandy color starts coming in on the drakes breast, with silver gray on the sides. Lastly they get the white band around the neck and the beautiful metallic green on the head, after 3 months here in the northwest. Hope this helps. :-) Little Quacker
-- Little Quacker (, June 27, 2001.
When the Rouens first feather, they all have the female feathering; later, as noted above, the male will take on the bright colors. Next year when he molts, the male(s) will again have the female coloring for a short time. First clue to sex is usually the quacking the ducks make. The males make the lower, almost whispering sound.
-- mary, in colorado (, June 27, 2001.
I have Rouen ducks. When I got mine I had trouble telling the males from the females too. Eventually the males came into their beautiful colors just like the Mallards. The males tail feathers have a curl to them too--that can help you figure it out too; they are also larger and have different beak colors. You'll know what is what by fall. They are really nice ducks--I hope you enjoy them. Sharon
-- Sharon (, June 27, 2001.