Can anyone tell me how to remove hydraulic oil stains from t shirts? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I never fail to get hydraulic oil on my clothes this time of year during haying. I have a haybine that leaks oil, just a little, but the hoses are always covered when you connect or disconnect. Most of the time I don't care, but yesterday I had a BRAND new shirt on and of course got into the stuff. Put it through the washer last night and this morning there are the dark oil stains on the front of it. :( In an older thread someone was asking about removing ink stains and someone suggested WD-40. Does anyone know if this would help? I use orange citrus hand soap right on the spots now, and while it works great getting grease off of my hands, it doesn't seem to do much for the clothes.Jennifer L.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, June 27, 2001
I've never hydraulic oil stains, but I use rub laundry soap (Fels Naptha) on stains and then put a scoop of OxiClean (As Seen on TV) in the wash. You might try putting a paste of OxiClean right on the spots. Good Luck
-- Linda Al-Sangar (, June 27, 2001.
I used Lestoil on some grease stains and it got most of them out. Pretreat, then wash in regular detergent. Or maybe "Zout" a stain remover.
-- Christina (, June 27, 2001.
Do you have a local Fuller Brush dealer? Their product Fulsol is very good at removing oil stains as well as green cow doodoo stains. Hope this helps.
-- Sandra Nelson (, June 27, 2001.
GoJo hand cleaner as a prewash/ presoak works nicely on oil and transmission fluid.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 27, 2001.
Jennifer, I've always used plain old liquid dish detergent, generously soaked into the affected area (don't dilute with water and don't soak item in water), then wash as normal whenever you get to doing laundry. If you put it on as soon after the "spill" as possible it works great. (I've never tried it after washing the item first.) If you think about it, it's one of the detergents most designed to cut oil/grease. The name brands seem to work better than the cheapies. Good luck.
-- Rheba (, June 27, 2001.
I keep a bottle of inexpensive shampoo in the cabinet above the washer. It's formulated to remove body oil from hair and does the same great job on oily spots. Not sure if it will work on a stain that has been washed and dried in the garment.
-- Grannytoo (, June 27, 2001.
Thanks, everybody! At least I have some new ideas to try. I've been to the point of considering "tie dyeing" with more oil to try and make a shirt look less like a slob owned it! I'm printing off your advice and putting it handy to the washing machine. :)Jennifer L.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, June 27, 2001.
Jennifer, have not witnessed getting the iron water out of the clothes,, But I witnessed a miracle with disolving the rusty orange out of the bath tub. There is such a product on the market. Called "The Works". It is sold on such low price places as your local cut rate Dollar Store. Meanwhile, in my attempt to erase the iron, I have spent as much as 8.00 bucks a small bottle. And it did not work. Whereas the "Works" did. Perhaps I or some of us, should buy stock. I saw it, and I cannot deny it. P.S. I don't own Jack in that company, just calling them to task.
-- My Story (, June 29, 2001.