source of free buckets : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Anyone who needs good sturdy buckets with lids should check with area pool service companies and/or pool supply retailers. My sister keeps me supplied with large palstic buckets from her pool service company. The buckets held chlorine, but this dissipates once the buckets are washed and aired out and is not harmful to plants/animals. Also, some of the buckets held shock, which is sold as individual sticks wrapped in plastic so the chemicals never even touch the bucket. I get 2 sizes from her- the larger ones easily hold 50 lbs of chicken feed, and the lids keep out not only moisture but that dreaded Florida pest, the Imported Fire Ant! I use these buckets to store everything from feed to potting soil.

-- Elizabeth (, June 25, 2001


I've been getting the pool chemical buckets for several years, was even lucky enough to get two that are about 30 inches tall which were used in the pool stores to display individual chlorine tablets. I also like the fact that they seal so well and are so sturdy. I make my own homemade laundry soap and when I have the time to make it I make up a few buckets full at one time.

As Elizabeth said, it's well worth asking around to get the buckets. If you have any acquaintances that live in the city and maintain their own swimming pool they might be able to supply you with some buckets also.

-- Grannytoo (, June 25, 2001.

Heres a little unknown source for 5-gal buckets try your local churches talk to maintenance or the custodian. I usually have 5 or 6 a mth laying around.

-- Tomk (, June 25, 2001.

I get tons of round 5 gallon buckets, and square 4 gallon buckets from an area restaurant. I usually get lids to go with them. I have a brother who is a machinist, and they get their nuts and bolts in stainless steel buckets ranging from about 6 to 10 gallons. (these are not the shiny stainless like your kitchenware, but more grayish-looking). The stainless ones come with lids that are put on the bucket with a built-in ring and clamp getup. The company that my brother works for throws out hundreds of these. They are heavy and make wonderful feed-storage bins! PS If anyone tries to email me, the server hosting my "trinityhealth" mail has been down for a couple of days. Answer me at the forum, and I'll email you from my private email address if necessary.

-- Cathy <>< (, June 25, 2001.

I've gotten MANY from my local Wal-Mart bakery.....5 and 6 gallon round with o-ring lids. They held frosting so they are a bit hard to clean up but well worth it for free.

-- Jason (, June 25, 2001.

I get my buckets from the local bakery. They are frosting buckets and take a little bit to clean them, but they are great! I use a lot of buckets around our place. Sis

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, June 25, 2001.

About those frosting buckets: I get those sometimes and there is an easy way to clean them if you have any ant beds around. Just lay them on their side by an ant bed, and in no time they are clean!

-- Cathy<>< (, June 26, 2001.

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