Forum Policy on Fake id's and Addresses (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Since this came up in another thread, I thought I would address it separately. The forum does not have a problem with people using fake user ids and internet addresses. In fact, it has been recommended to some who have been receiving unwanted e-mail as a result.All that is asked if when you create a thread if doing so, click the box which says not to have replies sent to you. When answering another thread there's really not a problem doing so. Anyone trying to follow-up to you directly will just eventually receive a systems message the e-mail could not be delivered.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, June 24, 2001
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up.:D
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), June 24, 2001.
The unwanted email has nothing to do with fake id's it has to do with email address shown on each page. A spam email address collector can run through all the messages and gather a bunch of email address with little work.
-- Gary (, June 25, 2001.
Yes, and if a fake e-mail address is what's displayed, there's an end to the risk of unwanted e-mail. Right?:D
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), June 25, 2001.