BLAST from the PAST: See some old time "doomer" friends in all their pre-y2k glory... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"the panic has begun" - Jan 31, 99

See Kevin, Hardliner, Diane Squire, Chuck, Vic, runaway cat, Pshannon, and many many more!

-- OTFR (Chris Sullivan) (, June 24, 2001


Oh, mustnt forget OldGit/outingsR in her troll getup is at the bottom of that thread as well.

Thanks for the LAUGH!!!

-- (, June 24, 2001.

Hey, CreePR. You aren't nearly as attractive in Chris' clothes as she is. Ya back to makin' yer $200,000 annual income yet? Or, are ya still too busy debunkin' the boogeyman? BOOGA BOOGA

-- shadow (theshadow@knows.all), June 24, 2001.

You're not the real OTFR Chris. She would never have used her real last name, and also got paranoid about using "catsy" so she quit using that a long time ago.

-- dead giveaway (not @ even. close), June 24, 2001.

The PANIC has begun !!

It just isn't where we expected it to be and it's not among the herd. We've pretty much all fallen into the trap of expecting "The PANIC" to be in bank lines, grocery stores, and gasoline stations as the populace "gets it". It appears to me that we were wrong. I conclude, in keeping with pshannon's gem of perception, that what we are seeing in the "invasion of the Pollyanna Trolls" (and not just here, but all over the Web) is the unexpected.

Government and banking is where the panic is!

It would seem to be too much to attribute to coincidence that shortly after KO_SKIN_EM's press release to the effect that there was to be a secrecy move and a PR (Propaganda Relations) campaign the Y2K WebWorld gets inundated with the garbage that we've seen here. It's even in keeping with the incompetence of the government to apply such an attack to the strongest point of the target instead of to those unsuspecting or nervous-but-undecided members of the general population who would be most likely to succumb to that attack.

OTOH, the PANIC driven strategy may simply be to "swarm" the Web and hope to drown out the undesired information amongst so much lukewarm swill and evil smelling obscenity that everyone simply wants to get away.

I've observed a great deal of solid logical and practical thinking on this forum, and I am certain that our combined efforts should yield a viable and successful method of countering this attack. One thing that I think is apparent is that we are currently making fools of ourselves by responding as we are (and you may consider this my own mea culpa for getting into it with "Deano" the other day). How about some constructive discussion and planning here toward the objective as originally stated for this forum?

-- Hardliner (, January 31, 1999

. . .

Just as a refresher::

This forum is intended for people who are concerned about the impact of the Y2000 problem on their personal lives, and who want to discuss various fallback contingency plans with other like-minded people. It's not intended to provide advice/guidance for solving Y2000 problems within an IT organization.

from the "About" entry above. This is the charter for this forum.


-- Chuck, night driver (, January 31, 1999.

. . .

-- Quotes (from@the.past), June 24, 2001.

"Deano is not a troll in my book, he is just clueless and arrogant."

Gosh Unk...........I think my feelings are hurt........

We've come quite a ways since 'the good ol days, huh"......;-)


-- Deano (, June 25, 2001.

Deano, I was a little "surprised" by that statement too, reading it two years later. Fear can certainly change a person's behavior and attitude. We can see that Unk is truly a decent human being. Sorry, we haven't seen a change in some of the others.

-- Maria (, June 25, 2001.


Unk is definitely AOK in my book now. However, if he doesn't agree to quaffing down a few cold ones next time I'm in Palm Beach (which will be before summer's end), he loses the 'A' and just becomes OK.

Unk, is that understood??


-- Deano (, June 25, 2001.

Damn, I was kinda hoping you would miss that!

LOL, gawd it's unnerving to go back and see some of the shit I wrote, heehee! Who was that guy? Oh well...and yeah Deano, I'm buying.

BTW, I think many of the folks from that old board are decent people, fear is an ugly thing. I just hope we (doomers) have learned a few lessons from it all, I know I have.

-- Uncle Deedah (, June 25, 2001.

Hey Unk

Back then, you were probably spot on about me given the circumstances.

I looked back and read some of the things I wrote and cringe now.....some of it IS embarrassing to say the least!

And I'll let you buy my friend.......


-- Deano (, June 25, 2001.

Yes this thread was started by me, I thought the y2k flame wars were over and we could all be friends now...
OTFR & Jim (no NOT hardliner my

-- Chris Sullivan (, June 29, 2001.

What made you think that? Why would you (or we) want to be "friends"? Just curious.

-- Maria (, June 29, 2001.

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