Just a thought re the forumgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I hope everone out there who is polarized in whatever the heck y'all was fussing about realizes that most of us just wanna talk 'bout rural things like relish, hens, stock, trespassers and the stuff we all share, that goes along with day to day living. Not interested in anyones point of view re religion, politics or any of that stuff. So, please don't ruin this forum for the rest of us that don't give a flip. I think it is perfectly adequate to post "religious material within" or something like that if ya wanna get on your soapbox. I don't have to read it, just go to the next post that sounds interesting. If ya wanna rake the Pres over the coals, or natter 'bout Nazi's, that's OK as far as I am concerned, just post a "political material warning" and I'll go on to the next post. I'd argue with you in my home or yours about it, but not here. We are NEVER gonna resolve our differences as a people regarding all this heavy stuff. Never have in our whole history so no one is gonna convince anybody to change views or sides on this little forum. The people who go to all the trouble to run this site are doing us a favor. It's their time, their expense and their trouble, and they can delete anything, anytime that they chose. That is their right. If anyone out there thinks they can do this whole thing better, great, let them set up a forum and put up with all the stuff. Jeez, are we a weird species or what? Lighten up? :-)
-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), June 23, 2001
Well said...love it!!!DW
-- DW (djwallace@ctos.com), June 23, 2001.
Ain't that the reason most of us are here to learn home steading. Because we wanted to get away from so much friction fussing and fueding. This forum is nodoubt one of the greatest places to learn and trade many many years of knowledge. I would sure hate to see it close, if there is something some of can do please let us know. You have my support. Coaltrain
-- coaltrain (prairierose91@hotmail.com), June 23, 2001.
I second both the above motions. Live and let live.
-- Dianne in Mass (dianne.bone@usa.net), June 23, 2001.
May I add that,one, I fully agree and,two, let's get on with it!! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), June 23, 2001.
I agree with you Little Quacker. Most of the time I don't even notice that there is a feud going on because I don't read the religious, political or joke threads unless I feel like some amusement. As long as they continue to be labeled as such I'm happy with the forum as it is and will continue to just check the threads that interest me and skip the ones that want to convert me, religiously or politically. Those that get in a snit because someone challenges their viewpoint is the one with the problem. I would hate to see a few insecure people ruin it for the rest of us. Let's just ignore them and move on to the great forum this was, is and will continue to be.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), June 23, 2001.
It seems to me that range wars still continue. It becomes the "us" and the "them". Of course we are the good guys in the white hats. They are the bad people. Why can't they go somewhere else? Why can't they move on? Don't they know this is our land and them animals they have just don't smell right. They eat the grass in the wrong way, and they smell. Maybe I'll fence off my range to keep them out. Maybe I'll make rules and post signs. Then I won't have to put up with "them" any more.
-- Tom S. (trdsshepard@yahoo.com), June 23, 2001.
Just move past the subjects that you don't want to read. I don't understand what the fuss is about. I do think that you should be able to say what you feel and think without any censoring of your material. Unless, of course, it is vulgar. We should all be sensitive to others feelings and ideas without being critical and rude about it. What you have written should not be taken off the forum after it has been printed. We are all adults....aren't we ??
-- Helena Di Maio (windyacs@ptdprolog.net), June 23, 2001.
Helena, the problem is that what may be "vulgar" to one person may not be to another so censorship is always in the eye of the beholder. I don't have any trouble with Dave or Ken censoring anything I say (not likely since I am rarely controversial in my comments) because it is their forum and they can run it anyway they want. We are all visitors and as such should let them run things the way they want. If I don't like the way they run it then I don't come back to visit. I happen to like the way they run this forum. They ask everyone to be clear in their title what the subject is and that allows me to skip the threads I am not interested in. The only problem that comes up occassionally is that someone makes a comment that has nothing to do with the thread and is offensive or hostile. Then I might stumble onto it but those are the ones they tend to censor off which is just fine with me. I think they are doing a great job and for those that want things run "their way" they should start their own forum and run it anyway they like. Otherwise, I wish people would quit whining about having their stuff censored and get back to what this excellent forum is about...homesteading.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), June 23, 2001.
Little Quacker makes good sense.I forward beyond the sticky stuff an almost all occasions. I like the stuff regarding homesteading, and just plain getting by.
I'm grateful to this forum and all of the good people who've taught me about chicken tractors, cracker making, yogurt making, goat hiding, rooster dressing, baby weaning, and all manor of other things that I could not have made it by near to painlessly without their hlep at the time, and all those times yet to come. May every single person who's ever helped another here have a real sweet sleeping peaceful night, and ditto to anyone else besides.
Peace to all.
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), June 23, 2001.
Thank you and I agree with all of you.
-- Wynema (nemad_72039@yahoo.com), June 23, 2001.
right on. enuff foolishness. on to homesteading.
-- tomas (bakerzee@hotmail.com), June 23, 2001.
I rarely post here but I do go into the forum at least three times a day to read the posts and learn a lot of good answers from everyone if I do not care for the subject I do not open it. That is the simple answer if you do not care for the subject just pass over and go the next one. Mary
-- Mary (marwel@microserve.net), June 24, 2001.