Hey Bawa, why are you still living here?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Wednesday, June 20; 2001 5:17 p.m. EDT

Streisand: Energy Conservation for Thee but Not for Me

A day after left-wing looney Barbra Streisand decided to go public with recommendations on how to solve California's energy crisis, a representative said she didn't intend to follow her own advice.

"She never meant that it necessarily applied to her," explained Streisand's spokesman to the New York Times Wednesday.

Despite the Hollywood mega-star's decision to flout her own energy guidelines, Streisand's Web site, where her "Call to Conserve" manifesto appeared over the weekend, remained unchanged as of Wednesday afternoon.

"As the weeks progress and our energy crisis worsens, I find myself wondering why the citizens of California have not been called on and encouraged to play our part in helping deal with this problem," the way-out warbler opined.

"While our elected officials are trying to ease this crisis, the people of California need to remember the positive impact that energy conservation can have."

Folks should cut back on use of their computers and air conditioning, she says, and avoid using clothes dryers.

"Try to line dry as much as possible," the millionaire singer advised.

Just don't look for the former "Funny Girl" star to start drip-drying her own pricey designerwear by draping it from her chandeliers.

Still, the blatant hypocrisy didn't stop Streisand from invoking the memory of the late JFK to sell her energy pitch.

"A call to conserve must be issued to Californians just like when President John F. Kennedy called on the citizens of America with his words, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.'"

At least Barbra is willing to meet Kennedy halfway. She's happy to do the "asking" - but the actual "doing" will be up to others.

-- Two-faced (liberal@loony.bitch), June 21, 2001


Maybe Sharon will take her to the zoo for a visit.

-- Dragon (do@your.thing), June 22, 2001.

Or the hollywood elite can propose building more nuke plants, like their friends in France do.

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), June 22, 2001.

Oops that was bad grammar; I meant "AS their. . ."

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), June 22, 2001.

from Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman

“Over the years I’ve had to deal with my own money issues--to overcome profound money aversion, fear, and negative beliefs. Several years ago, while channel surfing, I paused to watch Barbara Streisand on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Ms. Streisand was graciuosly giving the viewing audience a tour of her home. She stopped in one room to show a very thick, intricately designed, custom-made wool carpet that would cover the entire bottom floor of my house--and probably cost as much. She lifted the corner of the carpet to reveal a marble floor beneath with exactly the same design as the carpet, so that when the rug was sent out to be cleaned, she could still enjoy the beautiful design. I found this display of wealth ostentatious and offensive; I rughteously calculated how many people could have eaten for a year for the cost of the marble floor alone.

“I was, at that moment, unaware of my negative associations, prejudice, and naive judgements. I might have then turned away and gone about my business, but in an instant of self-reflection I realized that I didn’t know Barabara Streisand at all. In fact, all I knew about her for certain was that she had earned her money through years of hard work, talent and creativity. Later I learned she had raised and donated more money to charities in one year than most people give in a lifetime.”

-- dandelion (golden@pleurisy.plant), June 24, 2001.


A nice story, but imo, it all depends on what charities the money was donated to for it to make any difference in changing my opinion of her.

Anyway, a serious question: Does it really matter if she donates money, isn't excessive consumption still excessive? Personally, just because she donates to charities doesn't excuse her of poor behavior in other areas.

-- Nottellingnow (not@this.time.pls), June 24, 2001.

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