Is bardou Erin Kerr? You be the judge. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Thanks Kritter for the Link : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Thanks Kritter for the link to here. I've been out of touch for the past several months, it was good to see you and Wilfred at Bok's tonight.

-- bardou (bardou@baloneyyy.xcom), September 26, 2000

-- (...@...), October 05, 2000.

-- Looking (through@the.archives), June 21, 2001


Erin Kerr Just a Secretary

I was "just," a secretary for 25 years and I could tell you plenty that went on behind the scenes. I also worked as a temp for banks, engineering firms, hospitals, and several Fortune 500 companies. One project I was put in charge of, was to put together the company's EEO documentation. Because this particular company had government contracts, and as part of the contract process, the government wanted to know how many whites, blacks, latinos, male, female, etc., were employed and at what capacity. Because I was a temp, I figured I would become the scapegoat if they got caught lying. Yes, I was asked to lie about the numbers. I told them under no cetain terms would I lie about anything like that and I walked off the job. While this may not have anything to do with Y2K, it is true that there's more to the eye's and ears than what you are being told.

-- just a secretary (justasecretary@justasecretary.xcom), October 01, 1999.

-- (...@....), February 11, 2001.

You all can go ahead and grade me because I don't give a rats ass about the spelling or grammar on this forum, I am no longer in corporate America. Even so with my proper grammar and english, the straight forward right-to-the-point message would still be dismissed as being manical. So, go ahead all of you and post whatever and whichever way you choose because no matter how truthful your message is, there will always be someone to point out a typo, or misspelled word to question your credibility. These people have nothing else better to do than to shoot the messenger.

-- Just A Secretary (justasecretary@justasecretaryyy.xcom), October 01, 1999.

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-- (.....@....), February 11, 2001.

a href=" msg_id=000ASa">link

I'm an artist, thrift store and garage sale junkie, late forties, have two grown successful children, and married for 30 years. I was an executive secretary for two large engineering firms. We live in the country with acreage. Husband works for a major electric/gas company in California. On a scale of 1-10, I believe it will be around 7-8.

-- Bardou (, September 22, 1998.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

Though I live 3 hours from San Francisco, there's no way in hell that I will be moving more than 5 feet away from my front door at roll over! My kids plan to be here at roll over, they are young and still like to party but even they can see the handwriting on the wall. Haven't seen any activity here at the local NG, same trucks and jeeps parked in the yard, but we're a very small community so I don't expect anything to go on here. And don't forget to pickup your phones at roll over!

-- bardou (, November 15, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

This is a side note but worthy of reporting. The power company my husband works for has a contignency plan in place if the phones are not operating at midnight. They plan to send someone directly to our home if the phones are down and request that my husband go to work. This is my own personal opinion, but I suspect ITSHTF and regardless if you answer the phone or not, if they need you to work, they will come and get you. Though my husband is not expected to be on call, his boss told them yesterday that that was the plan.

-- bardou (, December 03, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

It is true that PG&E's equipment are too old and in need of repair. The last power plant built in California was Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant which went on line in the early 70's. All their other power plants were built in the 1950's.

-- bardou (, November 04, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.


My husband told a couple of his co-workers to move their 401-K money out of the company stock and into safer places until the stock recovers. As a result of them not listening, one co-worker lost $60,000 and the other lost $80,000. Now they will have to change their retirement plans. What have you really lost "time to" your ego? We have not cashed in our stock plan, we have not dipped into savings to prepare, and we haven't spent money on products that will be of no use or value to us if Y2K turns out to be a bump in the road. Who is to say "time to" that your going to have a job on January 1, nothing in this world if for sure anymore. So if you find yourself economically challenged soon, I bet you'll be damn happy to be eating beans while your coworkers aren't eating anything.

-- bardou (, November 19, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

The only loonies will be the ones running around like loonies when they discover that they must get on the BIG WHITE BUS. Added to my list of BIG WHITE BUS SUPPLY BAG, is some AlkaSeltzer, diarrhea medication, Preparation H..... As usual Gordon, your posts are excellent.

-- bardou (, November 04, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.


No one should feel guilty for not taking care of foolish people who have been forewarned about an impending disaster. When people refuse to get on the life raft, they have made their choice. The best anyone can do for those ignorant, finger pointing, name calling twits, is to direct them to the BIG WHITE BUS, or the VERY LONG SOUP LINE. Just because your relatives share the same gene pool as you, doesn't make you obligated to take care of them.

-- bardou (, November 07, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

Maybe Mommy is overbearing and Daddy is a loud mouth. There's a good reason why people leave the nest, marry, have children and make a life for themselves. Do you ever wonder why your siblings turned out the way that they did? Perhaps on drugs, in and out of prison, on welfare, lazy, or rich and rubs your nose in it. Turkey lurkey day is coming up and it's one of the holidays that police hate! Family gets together and arguments turn into violence and well, I am sure some of you have experienced it. I can't imagine taking in my family, I think I would rather shoot myself than to have to put up with ungrateful, loud mouthed, overbearing relatives. The BIG WHITE BUS is thatta way.....

-- bardou (, November 07, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

the one above came from


-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

Bardou, January 1998.

-- bardou (, January 23, 2000.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.

I wouldn't have gotten a computer college education. I wouldn't of had my eyes opened up, I wouldn't have come into contact with the many wonderful people on this forum, and I wouldn't have learned good communication skills. There's just too many great things that have happened here to be angry at anyone for. We owe these people more than we could ever repay them for. They cannot take back the time they have spent, the generous knowledge they have shared, and the fortitude to tell the truth when no one else would. If nothing happens, so what, I'll give some of my food to the food banks, and I'll have plenty of water to water my garden with next year. Thank you Ed, Gary, Michael, Paul, Sysman, Diane, Old Git, KoS, Stan, (keep adding to this list everyone who feels like I do). Bardou

-- bardou (, October 07, 1999.

-- (...@...), April 23, 2001.


Plato: If you say that people may get mad enough to "murder" those who have spoken the loudest of the coming apocalypse, then I guess you would have to BLAME all of us! We ALL have put our 2 cents worth in, we have ALL given advice, we ALL have helped each other. If ALL have benefited for better or for worse so be it. So go ahead, come get me, I am ready. Which caliber bullet would you prefer?

-- bardou (, October 07, 1999.

-- (...@....), April 23, 2001.

bardou took her money out of the bank

Time is getting short here, most people who have been on this forum for 2 months or more have already done their thing. Many are tieing up the loose ends and sitting back waiting for the axe to fall. In the meantime, the stock market is being manipulated, the feds are holding back the winds of strife (their still preparing and not quite ready), and the millions of DGIs will be left holding the bag. For those of you sitting back waiting to see what's going to happen or your're waiting for a sign, it will be too late, things will happen faster than you can say "OH SHIT!"

-- bardou (, February 22, 1999.

-- (......@.....), June 20, 2001.

-- looking (through@the.archives), June 21, 2001.

In my role of judge I feel compelled to tell you that you are in serious need of a hobby.

-- Uncle Deedah (, June 21, 2001.

LOL, Unk. I heard Dean was in need of third base (the actual base). That'd be a good hobby for that poster.

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), June 21, 2001.

Miss bardou but have a hunch this got posted to the wrong forum.

-- Carlos (, June 21, 2001.

"Looking" is really Miss Haversham.

-- Yup, reading's (a@good.hobby), June 21, 2001.

I see the similarities in the handles.

Here are my favorite quotes.

>>Which caliber bullet would you prefer?<<

Bean bag.

>>My husband told a couple of his co-workers to move their 401-K money out of the company stock and into safer places until the stock recovers. As a result of them not listening, one co-worker lost $60,000 and the other lost $80,000. Now they will have to change their retirement plans. <<

I'll pass on investment advice from her and her husband.

>>And don't forget to pickup your phones at roll over!<<

She WANTED the system to crash!

>>As usual Gordon, your posts are excellent.<<

Don't even need to comment on that one.

-- (~~~@~~~.~~~), June 22, 2001.

This is really startin to PISS me off : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

What is happening now is similar to what occurred @ the old board. The HTML games and the BS personal attacks. Now, WE can handle the personal attacks, but the I dont believe bandit is now at it with the tearing up of threads.


I would LOVE to know who the asshole is. Why, Because, I'd like to know who hates the fact that uncle deedah can start a new forum and do soooo well out of the gate.

Personally, I wouldnt mind gettin violent with the asshole. As for ignoring IT, I could do that too, IF IT WOULD STOP the blacking out of threads.

I sure hope this idiot doesnt manage to shut down this place also.

Unc: I tip my hat to you dude for a job well done. :-0

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000

Answers Bardou: : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------- You are as dumb as the day is long. Your stupidity is only exceeded by your body odor so I'm going to have to get rid of you. I warned you I was going to keep at you until you admit to your trolling and I meant it. (I told River she could continue posting,,,*not you*. Beginning with the y2k preparation thread, I'm going to start blacking out every post you post.

I'm sorry Unk and forum participants. I'm not sure I can control how far up the blackout goes up so I may destroy some of your posts until Unk fixes it. (But Unk, I'll have to repost it.) Maybe some of you can convince her to go back to posting under her other name or go to another forum.

Unk => I'm intentionally leaving off the contribute button because I don't want to hear her whining and gibberish anymore. I'm tired of listening to that stupid bitch. Practice that Libertarian ethic Unk,,,don't get involved in this war.


This is classic LL

-- (LL is cr@z.y), December 15, 2000.

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(--->passes sumer a bong, a vicodin and a shot of Jack.)

Settle down. I'm not trying to destroy this forum. You'll notice I'm only doing what I said I would do,,,blackout posts by bimbo bardou.

-- (Not@be.liever), December 15, 2000.

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You're blacking out everything on threads that Bardou posts on, even posts that disagree with her.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 15, 2000.

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And not believer-What gives you the right to be the board's censor? This is OUR board, and I do not see why you feel you can take out your personal vendetta within the context of our board. And I see you did not refute that you were the lady. Hey, that's okay. I do not care. But you ARE creating a problem, regardless of how right you are. Hey, I can relate to personal crusades, but take care of them privately, please.

-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), December 15, 2000.

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You can come over to My House

-- Uncle Bob (, December 15, 2000.

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"not", Right. Bardou today. Tomorrow...whoever else happens to make you mad. Maybe me.

Personally attacking someone for nothing is bad enough. But wiping out their voice is really sick. However this plays out, I sincerely hope you consider therapy.

-- eve (, December 15, 2000.

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Is there a remedy? I think so. Cross your fingers. Preface your post with

(body background=#ffffff)

but substitute < for (

and substitute > for )

-- (HTML@cleanup.crew), December 15, 2000.

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You don't understand. I can't control how many posts I wipe out. My only desire is to blackout bardou. Talk to her about it if you don't like what I'm doing.

I am not LL (and I don't sit at my desk every minute of the day to issue denials immediately). I am Karzikamoff, wielder of karma for bardou.

-- (Not@be.liever), December 15, 2000.

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Not@, You are deeply help!

-- Peg (, December 15, 2000.

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That is Laura. Besides being the only person who ever had a problem with Bardou or River, there are more than a few tell-tale signs if you look through all the posts very carefully.

-- Same Conclusion (Its@quite.clear), December 15, 2000.

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The troll's mission in its own words. msg.tcl?msg_id=004EO6

bardou => You shashayed right past my point. (And a one...and a think you're good at sidestepping the issue,don't you?) You have been trolling the last two boards and I will haunt you until you admit it. (BTW, you will notice I haven't stopped you from posting,,,but I least for a little while.)

Odd that the troll trying to censor Bardou can't see that what it is doing is the epitome of trolling.

-- (Someone@who's.watching), December 15, 2000.

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I don't remember LL having a problem with Bardou or Riversoma. She would be censoring Consumer or Patricia if it were her. My vote is for Hawk.

-- (Just@my.guess), December 15, 2000.

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Now now, ya'll know NOBODY can shut me up :-) cept for um, nere mind.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- WOW You are all here? Regulars Reunited

I wonder if doomers@sucks, or Andy Ray knows this joint is open.


Your husband is goofing off again! Oh, look at that, he just piddled all over consumer. May I suggest you put a tighter leash on this mongrel??? If you're not careful, your puppy's gonna grow up and be just like him!!!

(A fine, moral, responsible, human being.)



-- laura (ladylogic@.....), March 10, 2000.

-- Clues (clues@clues.clues), December 15, 2000.

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I wonder if doomers@sucks, or Andy Ray knows this joint is open. MRS DOG!!!

Your husband is goofing off again! Oh, look at that, he just piddled all over consumer. May I suggest you put a tighter leash on this mongrel??? If you're not careful, your puppy's gonna grow up and be just like him!!!

(A fine, moral, responsible, human being.)



hmmm, say there clues, tell me one thing, since I just copied and pasted as you also did, how come YOURS has color?

Could you be the 'one'?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.

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Sumer: You didn't copy the hidden HTML commands. You need to turn that function on.

Best Wishes,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, December 15, 2000.

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I have no HTML experience (puts out lower lip and begins to cry) How do I do dat?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.

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'Sumer, go to this site, Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi.

It has all the HTML commands alphabetically indexed. It gives you the command and then an example of what it should look like.

If you want to practice, try HTML Test Forum right here on Greenspun.

Good luck!! (And it's not as hard as it looks; trust me.)

-- Patricia (, December 15, 2000.

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looks around sheepishly, and asks "do you REALLY want me to go there? I could become dangermouse?????!!!!!!!!!" HAAH.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.

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Damn, where did you dig that archive up from??? That was back in the days of intense relief that 2000 was just another year... BTW, it is not me doing this hack job on Unk's place... or Mrs. Dog either...


chewin' on the phone cord.....

The Dog

-- The Dog (, December 15, 2000.

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hmmm, say there clues, tell me one thing, since I just copied and pasted as you also did, how come YOURS has color? Could you be the 'one'?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.

sumer, I'm not the 'one.' I didn't copy and paste the message itself - - I copy and pasted the source code of the message after using my brower's View and Source commands.

You wouldn't see me posting this if I was the one.



Goodbye to all here. Time for me to go. My work here is finished. Time to move on to my next project.

This forumn has been an interesting learning experience. Not on Y2K so much; rather on the mentalities here. Very illuminating to me what's going on out there between various sets of ears. This is of interest to me since I've always thought human reaction will make Y2K about three times worse than it otherwise would be.

Well, I guess my "favorite fan" will have to find a new "boyfriend" to track thru the server logs now. Huggs to 'ya! Take good care of yourself, sweetie! :) Best wishes to you!!

Moving on to new places,

-- Genius (, November 12, 1999


FWIW, as I've stated, I've used this forumn as part of my personal, individual "portal" into the various "meme's" that are part of the Y2K mentality. The place I work at is irrelevant and not a party to anything I do. I'll bet this really dissapoints some of you who cling to various delusions that "TPTB" are trying to "disrupt" you. I doubt it, personally. In fact, here, at STINKBOMB 2000, "dispuption" is defined as anything that does not agree with the doomer delusions running rampant here, IMO. I can't recall any, let alone many, charges of "disruption" leveled at any doomer post attacking "pollies". It would be a waste to have a conversation with you. That's part of the reason I'm leaving this forumn here also today. With most of you anti-society mentally rabid folks, you don't hear, see or think anything except what you want to...based on what you think fits and supports your doomer delusions. Sad. Pathetic.

Many of you have served as excellent "probe material". Thank you. Also, my various handles have simply been "personas" designed by me for specific "probe effect". They worked quite nicely for their intended purpose; nothing more. To any of you who think you know the "real me", all I can say is:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (as Genius would put it).


But, but, I just met him and I like him.

I haven't been here long enough to know what ideals/theories this man espouses, but his last response was brilliant. How can you people be so cruel?

-- Laura (, November 14, 1999.


With a response like that, you definitely need to read more of this site before you post again...

Genius wasn't.

watchin' the newbie....

The Dog

-- Dog (Desert Dog@-, November 14, 1999.


-- Clues (clues@clues.clues), December 15, 2000.

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-- yea (yep@yep.yep), December 16, 2000.

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Well, little birdie told me to tune in here for the finale...sure is interesting and enlightening to see and read your post. To several of you, best wishes in the utmost; to others, well...just try to do the best you can. No ill will to anyone. Your post in total paint an interesting mosaic...with few surprises...that's why it is fitting for all of us with a life to move on...why tune in any more when you know the plot lines so well. CPR, Doc, Patricia, SmP, and many other regulars here...take good care. To the doomlits....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (Wouldn't want to Well, little birdie told me to tune in here for the finale...sure is interesting and enlightening to see and read your post. To several of you, best wishes in the utmost; to others, well...just try to do the best you can. No ill will to anyone. Your post in total paint an interesting mosaic...with few surprises...that's why it is fitting for all of us with a life to move on...why tune in any more when you know the plot lines so well. CPR, Doc, Patricia, SmP, and many other regulars here...take good care. To the doomlits....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (Wouldn't want to dissapoint 'ya --ESAD, Fuckheads!)...go back to your Fucking doom and gloom cult and have a go Fuck Yourself Orgy of censorship and group meme chants and hugs -- you pathetic shithead losers. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!! IDIOTS!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

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Posted by ( Mr Polly on January 31, 2000 at 22:53:01:

-- yea (yep@yep.yep), December 16, 2000.

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Don't Know If I'll Have The Last Word ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

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Posted by ( Stephen M. Poole, TTMHMIY2K on January 31, 2000 at 20:08:41:

But here goes anyway. Doc, y'done good. See you around.

See ALL of you around. :)

Stay tuned for another State of Y2K coming up the end of this week.

-- Stephen

-- yea (yep@yep.yep), December 16, 2000.

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But, but, I just met him and I like him.

I haven't been here long enough to know what ideals/theories this man espouses, but his last response was brilliant. How can you people be so cruel?

-- Laura (, November 14, 1999.

-- (%@%.%), December 16, 2000.

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memories, bad memories

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 17, 2000.

-- Erin Kerr (Erin Kerr@balls.srewyou), June 22, 2001.

Is that really you Bardou? How come you don't use your handle?

-- (old@time.friend), June 22, 2001.

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