How about some site addresses (BTS & Christian Homestead Forums) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well I'm new to this site..not to Countryside....Keep up the good work on both fronts...but how about the e-addys for BTS and Christian Homesteaders..? Thanks soo much...Love ya , Hoot.
-- RoseH. (, June 21, 2001
I don't have the address for the Christian Homesteaders. To get to BTS, just click on LUSENET at the top of this post, and then scroll down the list of active forums to 'Beyond the Sidewalks'. There is another forum on the LUSENET list that might interest you, it is called Freedom! Self Reliance. The two forums are kind of flip sides of the same homesteading coin. FSR tends toward the conservative political and religious viewpoint, while BTS is more liberal, alternative, and environmental. I believe that you'll now find Hoot's posts over at FSR. I read both of them, but I tend to post more on one than the other.
-- Sherri C (, June 21, 2001.
I have recieved quite a few e-mails asking me to post the address of the Christian Homesteader's Forum since apparently some folks would like to visit us. I am positively terrible at copying accurate link information, so if anyone would care to visit the site, just e-mail me and I will send you the link. God bless.
-- Lesley (, June 21, 2001.
Christian Homesteaders Forum:
-- Cathy<>< (, June 21, 2001.