Are you pulling the plug? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
on another fourm I read "They are about to pull the plug over at countryside"...Is this true?
-- grant (, June 20, 2001
It's up to you Grant. See Ken's post "take this for what it is worth"
-- Dave (, June 20, 2001.
Well I for one would miss this forum. I am not a frequent contributor ut I do find many of the posts of interest and educational. This forum is as "homesteady" as any that I have found. People on it seem to be mostly friendly and quick to provide information. I think it's an ideal use for the Internet and is a great companion to the magazine( which I subscribe to ).
-- Mark Rousseau (, June 21, 2001.
Dave I agree with the magazines veiw, this reminds me of how our 4h clubs in this area are turning out. Every one has there own idea of how it should be run and when you please one group anouther group gets mad.My husband finally figured out a formula that works for him, he picks a path he thinks we should go[ comunity leaders]follows it and when people complain he says jobs open next year and if you want it its yours, funny thing is know one seems to want to do it, go figure?reminds me of a line from a song, you cant please every one so you got to please your self. Come on dave and ken you guys are strong keep the forum going and ignore the bull you no what. I will stand with you.PS can i get my magazine first when you send them out? just kidding, smile.
-- kathy h (, June 21, 2001.