canning lids : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

a few issuses back,, there was an advertisement for reusable canning lids,, from some company in Reed City Mich,,, but now,, (when I need it),, I can seem to find it. Anyone know what issue, or can send me the complete address or phone number??

-- stan (, June 20, 2001


Stan, go to (

-- TomK (, June 20, 2001.

The company I know of sells "Tattler" lids. They had a website, offered free sample, etc. I sent for one, then several months later decided to order one set (3 dozen for I think, about 15.00), tried to call the number on the literature that came with the sample, and it has been disconnected. No luck reaching them, so guess the guarantee wouldn't be much good, either! Jan

-- Jan in CO (, June 21, 2001.

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