Heirloom Seeds Complete Garden-In-A-Box for Salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everybody!Tried to let this go once, but you all kindly convinced me what a great item this is and that I should give it a try on our recently purchased piece of property. That was the plan... Well, we just got our visas approved for residency in Australia and are getting ready to take advantage of this opportunity of a lifetime. Unfortunately customs laws forbid the importation of seeds.
So, is anybody interested? I paid $115.00 for Heirloom Seeds Y2K Garden (same as the Complete Garden pack currently being offered.) It was packed in 1999 and sealed for long term storage. It contains 80 varieties of vegetables and 12 herbs.
I am hoping someone will be interested, because I hate to see the seeds go to waste. Thanks.
-- Lynne David (lynnedavid@msn.com), June 20, 2001
Ooops, forgot to mention, I tried EBay, didn't meet my reserve price and I really don't want to sell to someone who will probably just turn around and make more of a profit on it. Would like to see someone get them who appreciates their value, will use and enjoy them.
-- Lynne David (lynnedavid@msn.com), June 20, 2001.
Lynne:I might be interested in your seeds. What are you asking for them. I can't afford much, but I could sure use them.
-- Tonya Miner (gtminer@micron.net), June 20, 2001.
Look forward to your company soon, Lynne et al. Just in case it hasn't got through the information fog, be advised that if you're into firearms, Australia is different. Self-loading (read automatic or semi-automatic) longarms are almost completely prohibited. Any firearms must be licensed (as must the shooter). Pistols have particularly strict licensing requirements, and are basically only allowed for target shooting. Works out fairly well, but it is big- time different from the USA. Where are you going - what part of Australia? Any advice or pointers I can give? My email address and name are real if you want direct communication - I'm in Bathurst in central-western New South Wales, family all over, and the days start getting longer from now on.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), June 20, 2001.
What do you have? Some seeds (tomatoes) are good for as much as 10 years. Others (curcubits) are generally good for up to 5 depending upon variety. Corn drops to dreadful germination rate at one year, and at 2 years you might as well feed it to the chickens. What were the claims you bought into? And GL down under. Post an address, and we, as well as maybe another 2 or 3 thousand readers herein, will gladly stop by.
-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), June 23, 2001.