Canning jar bands / : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I need some Ideas on how best to refinish the screw bands for my canning jars, the gold tone finish on some of the bands if rubbing off an rust with soon set in. The cost of replaceing may out way the cost of refinishing or not, but I suspect I have stuff to do it already, so any ideas?
-- Thumper (, June 20, 2001
since they dont touch the food itseld,, some steel wool will take off any rust,, guess you could paint them. But thats a why bother
-- stan (, June 20, 2001.
I never bother doing anything to mine. So what if they are rusty? They only stay on the can until it's cool, then they're either on the next batch through the canner or stored again. I suppose you could lightly oil them with veg. oil before you stored them in a dry place, and they might stay nicer looking longer, but it doesn't matter to the job they do.Jennifer L.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, June 20, 2001.
The seal lid is the important part. We steelwool our rings and store them in vegetable oil until use. The boil steralizing removes any oil residue.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 20, 2001.
Oh well,I know it doesn't endanger the food being put up. I'll do some experimenting, I can put my hands into the body cavities of large animals(when necessary) and clean up poop or vomit, or if I truly must, unclog a toilet, but dirty bath water, or standing dish water, slow drains or rusty anything hits the phobia mark with me, I don't know why......I don't care is too short to figure it out, I had quit canning for several years because all the bands got rusty, so I want to prevent a repete of past history, some combination of stuff out in the garage should work. Thanks anyway.
-- Thumper (, June 20, 2001.
Try spraying them with a clear varnish or laquer. That will give them a hard coating that will prevent rust from forming. It will also stand up to boiling water and steam pressure.Eric
-- Eric J Methven (, June 22, 2001.
Thank you Eric, I will try that 1st.
-- Thumper (, June 29, 2001.