ROLL YOUR OWN BLACKOUT : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread




7-10pm worldwide, all time zones

As an alternative to George W. Bush's energy policies and lack of emphasis on efficiency, conservation and alternative fuels, there will be a voluntary rolling blackout on June 21 at 7pm - 10pm.

Many people all over the world have been planning a voluntary rolling blackout on the first day of summer, June 21 at 7pm - 10pm in any time zone (this will roll it across the planet).

Turn out your lights from 7pm-10pm on June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug in your house or turn off the main breaker. Light candles, build a fire in the back yard or street corner, or enjoy the dark. Spend time with your friends, family, and loved-ones. Maybe you could hold a huge potluck and cook over the fire! Examine your electrical bills, trace where your energy comes from, and talk about alternatives to the electric technologies on which we have come to depend. Tell stories, learn your family history, play games, take a stroll in the dark, or learn a little astronomy - have fun in the dark.

Please tell as many people as you can think of to participate and let your elected officials know how you feel about current policy. Let them know we want global education, participation and funding in conservation,efficiency, and alternative fuel efforts, and an end to over-exploitation and misuse of the earth's resources.

-- Tomorrow (, June 20, 2001


ha ha ha ha

goody, more for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(what a dipshit of an idea this is)

-- libs are idiots (, June 20, 2001.

June 21 at 7pm - 10pm

Thanks for letting me know.

Oh, ignore those sounds coming from your house.

That's just me ransacking the place and stealing your valuables.

I appreciate your cooperation!

-- (enjoy@the.dark.suckers), June 20, 2001.

I'm sure this plan will go over REAL well in Watts. I can see it now - a bunch of idiots in Birkenstocks holding candles and staring at the moon.

-- libs are idiots (, June 20, 2001.

Hell no! My beer will get hot and my remote won't work without power, you moron...

-- Uncle Bob (, June 20, 2001.

Yes UB it will, but you can then bang like bunnies. Sweat roll around on the hot floor and make more babies. Oh yeah@!!!!!!!

-- NEEED POWER (, June 20, 2001.

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