Ricoh GR21 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Any review / report on this camera, in particular the lens performance? Unlike the pocketable GR1s, the lens does not retracts fully into the body when the camera is swtiched off. May need a lens cap to protect the lens. But hey, I will buy it right away if the lens is comparable to the Leica and Contax 21mm lenses!
It cost about US$830 here in Singapore althought current it is out of stock.

-- Wee Keng Hor (, June 19, 2001


I'd really like to have one of those and $830 is a lot less than I saw it advertised from here. The lens is supposed to be great.

-- Paul Rubin (no@spam.please), June 25, 2001.

It is selling USD895 in Hong Kong and will buy one next week. Later I will post the photos online. ivan

-- Ivan (, August 19, 2001.

This appears to be a fantastic camera that everyone is raving about, but at around £800(in the UK) the absence of an accurate viewfinder(only 83%) and, more importantly no dioptre adjustment/correction of the viewfinder means I won't be buying one. Why on earth do the manufacturers not bother with these details?

-- Bryan Gaspa (, October 05, 2001.

I bought a GR21 from for $1100. I've put 10 rolls through it and am very pleased with the camera and especially the lens.

As good as Leica? or Contax?

Who knows?

It seems every bit as good as my Zuiko 21mm F2, which is my only other 21 mm lens.

The GR21 is a beautiful camera - and where else can you find a 21mm lens on a teensy little pocket camera.

-- Jim Houha (, October 06, 2001.

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