your screen name (picked up by search engines) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
If you ever want to see what type impression you are leaving on this forum, just go to your favorite search engine and type in your screen name.
-- mitch hearn (, June 18, 2001
Geeze Mitch, I can go to my email and read what folks think of me :) Actually though I was just having some fun with you its running about 20% who hate me and 80% who love me....not to bad in my book. Though I have to admit I love the 20% who have the gumption to say something! And then the balls to then ask me to help them with an ailing doe! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 18, 2001.
Mitch I can't believe it. An ID search turns me up as a subversive, caught talking about disguising ducks in a municipal subdivision.oooooooops!!!
Hope Big Brother doesn't see it.
-- Rick K (, June 18, 2001.
Ok, I give up. What is a screen name?
-- TomK (, June 18, 2001.
Rick, how did you do that ID search? I am really jealous. That would be the day, to get identified as a subversive. lol
-- daffodyllady (, June 18, 2001.
wow- pastel&ink drawings,masks and philosophy. dang wish id of copeyed that down hope it its spelled rite. you all be nice Bobco se.ks.
-- Bobco (, June 18, 2001.
All I get are the posts I've left in various places.
-- ~Rogo -Texas- (, June 19, 2001.
Tom - go to and type in your e.mail adress and then search - or try typing in TomK
-- kelly (, June 19, 2001.
that is wierd mitch, never knew every little thing I said on these boards was there for posterity??? I guess it is because of the archives here. We are all celebrities and didn't even know it!!
-- diane (, June 19, 2001.
The first time I did that an old thread from this forum came up. It said ....."Do these pants make my butt look big?"
-- Cindy in KY (, June 19, 2001.
Interesting! I used to be able to search on "Don Armstrong" and find lots - now I'm buried under politicians and musicians and preachers and other Information Technology professionals and things about Lance Armstrong or Garner Ted Armstrong with the word DON't in them somewhere. However, for some reason it never occurred to me to search on the email address "". Mind you - they probably only picked up about a thousandth of it - I'm still cogitating about whether that's good or bad.
-- Don Armstrong (, June 19, 2001.
Don, reenter google and this time put the curved brackets located on the upper case of the "nine and zero" keys around your e mail address, this will clean up your search, then scrool to the bottom of the google page and click on the phrase about omitting from the search.
-- mitch hearn (, June 19, 2001.
I used th google search engine ( or the search engine feature of your browser)with my email. Below are the results I got when I searched with your email.Searched the web for . Gardening ups and downs--and a few questions:)... that you were late getting a garden in this year. Hot weather will keep broccoli from heading. -- daffodyllady (, May 02, 2001. ...
Gasoline Prices!!! ... yes they do. Hmmm, me looking for a good strong horse. Oh thats right, I need more land first. Shoot. -- daffodyllady (, May 02, 2001. ...
-- Rick K(apone) (, June 19, 2001.
Rick, I ran your e mail address through google and it does not reconigize your e mail address as valad. When you run a name and it comes up, scrool to the bottom of the page and click on the phrase about including the omissions. I am going to try yahoo for you.
-- mitch hearn (, June 19, 2001.
that's creepy.
-- witness (, June 19, 2001.
We figured this out a while back.Out of curiosity, my dh put his name in and then mine. He found me all over countryside and some other places I didn't know I'd been!
Part of the problem is that there are a couple of people out there with the exact same name as me.
Anyway....I've been lavenderbluedilly for a while now. I do not use that address in connection with my real name.
-- That's it right there---> (, June 19, 2001.
Hey there celebsI've gotten hate mail and some nice comments from folks that found my opinions by using search engines.
My grandpaw always said if you say it and its the truth and you believe it. Don't be ashamed if others hear about it. (In our case we shouldn't be ashamed if someone reads it)
If we help one person avoid a pitfall. Our job was a success!
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, June 20, 2001.
== I guess it is because of the archives here. ==I'm on several Lists that have archives, but only the posts from Countryside shows up.
-- ~Rogo (, June 20, 2001.